the birth and naming

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Mandavi is 6 months pregnant by this point


Bharma's chamber:
Mandavi: oh wow, this bump is so big now, I can't wait for this child to be born, at least my husband will not forget me and come over here
Bharat: im sorry, priye, I was so busy these last 6 months
Mandavi turns around and find bharat
Bharat quickly hugs her and kisses her forehead and then kisses her stomach
Bharat: the bump has gotten bigger, I hope its not making you uncomfortable
Mandavi: oh come on, every pregnancy is like this, it comes with pain but leaves with happiness and anyway, apparently the birth hurts wayyy more than this
Bharat: oh how I wish to be able to hold ur hand during the birth, 
Mandavi: its ok, I already know how worried you would be anyway
Bharat: thats because of how much I love you and how much I am worried
Mandavi: I know I know, I love you too
Bharat blushes: thanks
Mandavi: look at this child *she says holding her stomach* your father is so shy, you better not be this shy, you should be like me, fearless, and straightforward
Bharat looks at her is awe, mouth open
Mandavi: naath, what gender do you want them to be?
Bharat: any! A girl is a father's favourite princess and a boy is a father's favourite prince but I guess I would want a girl as as firstborn, as my father also had a female firstborn!! And anyway, i want to know how you were brought up
Mandavi: you trying to imply something here, my sweet husband!
Bharat laughs
Kaushalya: BHARAT, oh how I missed you
Shatrughan: yes yes mother, but I must say brother, you came to your wife first, see mata, your son loves your DIL so much
Sumitra: ofc he does, thats how she got pregnant
Mandavi blushes in extreme mode
Bharat blushes even more
Bharat: mata, aap bhi? *he says going a darker shade of red*
Shrutkirti: wow brata, you are blushing  even more than didi, what what a record
Shatrughan: I agree, darling
Keykeyi: putra-
Bharat: mata, I have some work to do, I have to leave, im sorry
Shatrughan: you didnt even eat
Mandavi: look child, your father doesn't even eat with me, dont ever be like him
Bharat looks at his wife and feels bad
Bharat: calm down maan, ok I will eat with you all
Kaushalya: good, ill get the dinner ready
They all eat food when suddenly mandavi shrieks high pitched
Mandavi: AH
Bharat shaken and worried: what happened?
Keykeyi: dont worry putra, its probably just a kick
Mandavi: ji mata, tell your son this, I always scream like this when this footballer kicks, but this human never understands
Bharat: thats because you scream so loudly
Mandavi: its hurts *she pouts*
Bharat: oh well, * he feeds her* eat
Kaushalya: yes yes, did you know how many times Keykeyi screamed when she was pregnant with him
Keykeyi: haan jiji, this boy kicked so much, I thought he was playing football in there alone
Sumitra: I agree,you were in so much pain, my two twins may have been mischievous even in my stomach but they didn't kick as much.
Mandavi: well now i know where this child got these kicking habits from
Bharat blushes
Shatrughan: ufff, bharu stop blushing, why are you still so shy, you have fathered a child
Bharat: wait till your turn, gadhe
Shatrughan: happily

3 months later, Mandavi was 9 months pregnant

Mandavi was in her bed: oh child, according to folklore tales, you are a girl, I am so happy, you are going to be a mini-me?! come quickly okay? Its time already but you dont want to come, you want to kick me as if I am a ball
Bharat: hello!?
Mandavi: oh swamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!?
She screams and then screams even louder
Bharat who was standing smiling rushed over
Bharat: MAAN?!!??!?!?!?!?
Mandavi: my water broke, I think, it hurts
Kaushalya who came in hearing the noise, saw the scene, mandavi was in her bed crying and Bharat was holding her screaming at the dasis to get the mid wife
Kaushalya instantly rushes over
Kaushalya: its ok mandavi, just push
Bharat: ma-
Sumitra: Bharat, you should not be in here, leave okay, we will tell you and you will hear the child's scream, mandavi will be alright.
Bharat: ji mata
Shrutkirti: jiji?! Are you ok
Outside the chamber
Shatrughan: is bhabhi okay?
Bharat: I dont know, she look like she was in so much in pain
Shatrughan: isnt that normal though?
Bharat: I dont know
An hour later,
Bharat has started to pace around worried and anxious
Bharat: she has been in there for a whole hour and I still have not heard heard a cry from my child but only her screams, what do I do?!
Shatrughan: its okay, calm down, my bhabhi will be okay, she is a fighter
Bharat: true

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