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Suddenly all the lights in the hallway came on and everyone chimed in chorus the happy birthday song , the look of confusion dissapeared and a big smile hit his face ,they clapped in chorus as the song came to a end and beautiful girl with long  thick black hair which came up to her waist , and the prettiest face ran up to him as he embraced her in a brotherly hug "happiest birthday big brother"she said and smiled, her smile seemed to be the brightest in the whole world , her lips were red and plump and her blue  ocean eyes showed her happiness, anyone could get lost in her eyes ,"did you like your surprise i planned all this on myself and dad helped me in doing it " she said happily pride evident in her voice as she came up with a wonderful plan for his brother "i loved it sis " he said and smiled at her ," lets see the cake now i made it for you dad wanted to buy one but i insisted on making it " she said with the same bright smile and pulled him towards the cake , it was a big chocolate cake with sprinkles and beautiful decorations and chocolate sticks "see it's your favourite flavour chocolate " ,"thank you so much sis i can't be more grateful "he said and gave her a small hug again , he took the knife  and cut the cake as everyone clapped in happiness , he took the piece and let everyone take a bite of it ,

"Oh brother i had someone to introduce to you " she said excitedly her smile grew larger and happier as she was excited to introduce someone special which was evident by the glee her voice contained, she quickly dissapeared in the big crowd which had gathered  to celebrate  his birthday, from the crowd came out Trevor's father who was really happy for his son and was proud of the fact that  he was hardworking and dedicated instead of him being really rich and he didn't need to work he  could always depend on his father , he walked towards him , he had a black coat which looked like it could be worth millions , the shirt underneath matched with his coat , the black boots  matched the glory of his dress  which perfectly fitted his handsome and chiseled face which  was whitened in old age but looked still really handsome for his age , he stood beside him and kept his hand on his shoulder "I'm proud of you son , i had never been this happy , you proved your worth by  devoting in my business and put all your best on it , our company has been doing the best from any of the company existing in the world, and for this i decided to give you few days off and you can spend it on our private beach , you would have the whole hotel to yourself staff to take care of you , you won't have any problem son i will make sure of that , "he said and smiled proudly "oh also i almost forgot you can take the private jet and  your friends too, i know you wanted it " he said and looked at him "thank you dad this has been the best birthday ever " he said happily "don't thank me son thank your sister she was the only one who planned this whole event for you , she even refused to take any help from anyone " he said smiling  in joy proud of both of their children as they were both a blessing in his life.

Suddenly his father's son dropped as a frown appeared on his face "i wish your mother was here to see this " he said and sighed sadly "dad don't be sad i know mom is happy in heaven and still missed you "he said trying to cheer up his dad , " no son no you won't understand she can never forgive me for whatever I have done to her, she didn't deserve it she was a angel in my life a light in my darkness , the darkness which swallowed her and i did nothing to save her  , i did her wrong , i wish i didn't i would still have her then she wouldn't have to leave me ever " he said as a tear dropped from his eyes, it hurt him to see his dad breaking down like this , he knew his parents didn't have the best relationship , he didn't know what happened to her mother, neither did he know anything about their past , but remembers sometimes when he did have heard screams coming from his parents room her mother's scream when he was just a baby and didn't understand  anything , he didn't wanna upset his dad more so didn't question him further.

Whatever happened behind the closed doors no one knew except the guards who heard the woman's pitiful screaming for help but couldn't do anything because they were just guards they didn't wanna lose their jobs , they had children to feed  too  ,  she was forced into the marriage by her own father what else could she do, she tried running but they blocked her every possible way to run and gave up her daughter to the monster to ruin , when she had her children even when she didn't want to she gave up her all hopes of leaving him and dedicated her life to them and Caring for them and leaving them in the loyal maids care as she had to go to her husband according to his wishes , whenever she saw him her heart raced in fear in anticipation of what would happen to her  as he was unpredictable he was the ultimate darkness of her life but was helpless she couldn't do anything, she could call for help run to the cops but they would do nothing as he was respected as well as feared as the most respectful businessman  but he was not a normal businessman he had a dark and a secret business which was highly secret and would only be passed to his son when he would be of the right age , it scared her the thought wanted  her to run away to the hills but she could do nothing nor run he would always find her.

The sister ran out of the crowd holding someone's hand "meet my boyfriend"she said shyly as she introduced him to everyone as Trevor's face was filled with surprise as he recognised the person

Soo here another chapter i hope you enjoy it .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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