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I dashed out of the door and burst out in the long and endless  hallway , I spotted a long spiral staircase at the end of the hallway , I quickly started sprinting towards it " two " he  continued counting , time was  quickly running out for me I  had to find a place to hide before he comes looking for me I have to hide I have to win this game I can't let him win , if I win this game maybe  he will let me go , I thought and continued sprinting towards the staircase and started climbing down from it "three "he continued counting filling me with fear of not being able to hide ,the long staircase took me to the ground floor , I looked around me to notice that the house was extremely large with  multiple rooms and hallways , I turned towards the right and sprinted off the dark hallway finding a room in which he wouldn't be able to find me "four " his voice  echoed through the  long and empty corridor , my eyes continued searching for a room to hide when it spotted a red door on the end of the hallway " and five , I am coming my doll be ready for your punishment " he said and chucked evilly

"N no I have to hide "I mumbled to myself before sprinting towards the red door and bursting into it before closing the door behind me ,  pure darkness enveloped me I couldn't make out a thing in the room , I squinted searching for a place to hide , I could make out the structure of a small closet in the corner of the room without thinking I walked towards the closer and opened  the door and slipped myself into the small closet and closed the door behind me ,

the closet was totally small having  a little space occupied by me , I slowly tried to make my breathing normal , my heart thudded in my chest out of the long run and the fear of him catching me, the dread settled in the  pit of my stomach , the closet seemed to be closing in me the walls of the closet seemed to be getting smaller and smaller , I tried to control my breathing and bring it to normal , I closed my eyes tightly shut to make me forget that I am locked in a closet now , time seemed to pass slowly , not a single word could be heard nor any approaching footsteps could be heard I was greeted by silence which seemed to be mocking at me and darkness which I was terrified of , the slow ticking of the clock in the room could be heard "tick tok tick tok "no other sounds could be heard it seemed as if he has forgotten to find her but he clearly said that he is coming and I need to hide , nothing made sense , the slow ticking of the clock continued , a hollow sound of a owl screeching startled me , the closet  seemed to suffocate me  the small space in which I was enclosed seemed to become smaller and smaller , I tried to keep my breathing at Normal but failed miserably in doing so my heart hammered in my chest ,my mind was screaming at me to get out of the closet .

It was slowly getting hard to breathe there was lack of air in the small closet , there was no signs of him that indicated that he was coming to find me , when suddenly realisation struck , he knew where I was he knew the place I was hiding in he is just playing with me as a predator plays with his prey , he never had any intentions of playing fair maybe he was just waiting for me to come out my hiding place into his clutches , I shuddered in fear at the thought of going to him  , it was stupid it was so stupid of me to believe him that he will play fair and will let me go , he would never let me win the game and even if I win the game by mistake he won't let me go I could never do anything else  than to request him to leave me I was totally powerless infront of him what would even compel him to leave me , he would punish me no matter what , he was just playing with me and wanted some good reason to punish me , maybe I shouldn't have dashed out of the room at the proposal of his unfair game , I should have just handed myself over to him then maybe he would have shown some mercy on me"  I should have just submitted I shouldn't have run oh I am so stupid so stupid  even to believe him  " I mumbled softly to myself , this type of thoughts clouded my mind  I tried to get rid of these thoughts by thinking something pleasant , my mind  slowly drifted to the time when I was safe and sound in my home , I never had to worry about anything else , I had a supportive family  who would give me everything I need   , caring friends a protective brother , just the thought of my family brought a small smile on my trembling lips , my eyes started watering at the thought of not seeing them again , my life was perfect it was just perfect if only I hadn't gone to that stupid party , only had I not run away at the middle of the party  inspite of my friend stopping me from leaving there , it was my fault all of my fault that I got stuck here hot sold  just like some item and ended up in a house of the phycopath .

I suddenly could no longer breathe in the closet the closet was completely suffocating me , a horrible image flashed in my mind of my body dead in the closet with eyes closed and no one  would find me , fear sturick me and without another thought I opened the door of the closet and stumbled out of it and fell on my knees , I crawled out of the closet and took a breath of fresh air  when suddenly a voice  froze me "caught you my doll "

So sorry for keeping you all waiting for a long time ,  enjoy 💓

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