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Warning : mature content ahead please read at your own risk ⚠️⚠️

After some time one of a scary looking guard entered the room , he was extremely tall and had muscles bulging out , after sometime he spoke "I am Brandon and I will be taking you one by one to the stage , you must listen to whatever instruction I give you no amount of disobedience will be tolerated a little amt of disobedience will result in a harsh Punishment which you would not like but I would be glad to tame some spitfires they are attractive and really fun to break "he said with a evil smile , "so whenever the auctioneer calls your name you should be ready standing at the door I will escort you out "
He said and playfully smirked "and we have some special items which the audience are gonna love and also there would be a small sample for the audience "

I trembled at his voice , "what sample is he talking about and what are they gonna do to us " Isabella asked me in a trembling voice , he somehow overheard it "oh that's a surprise , you will see it soon " he said winking at her

He looked at his watch "oh it's already time "he muttered to himself before opening the door which had backstage written on it , a thin curtain was blocking the view , but I could make out a large stage and chairs beyond it meant for the people who would come to this filthy auction , the chairs all seemed to be filled with people

After some minutes a faint voice of someone addressing the audience could be heard , the guards moved on the stage , I couldn't make out the words that the person was addressing to the audience but I could make out that that he was about to announce someone to come on stage

After some minutes a guard came and grabbed a younger girl who seemed to be 10 or 12 by her hair and started to drag her towards the stage , the girl tried to struggle and get out of this grip and put up quite a fight but she was no match to his strength , he just dragged the screaming girl out of the room to the stage , after sometime loud sobbing could be heard from the stage and then screaming which slowly died away , I trembled at the thought of going on the stage and the type of men there will be there

After sometime another girl was dragged out of the room, the same sobbing and crying could be heard everytime a girl was dragged out in the stage which made me wonder what are they doing to the girls , this time another guard came towards me making me crawl backward bumping into Isabella but as if he could sense what I was about to do he grabbed me by my hair and started to drag me out , I tried to get out of his grip but he was much stronger and his grip tightened on my hair as much as I struggled I was dragged out on the stage and placed on the centre of it

The auctioner's voice boomed in the room "so what we have here "he took a small piece of paper from his table and started to read from it "ah one of our special items , has long brown hair and blue eyes , her breasts are 32 a and she is a pure virgin never touched anyone " he declared smiling , when suddenly the guard standing beside me came closer to me and made me kneel beside him forcibly and slapped me hard telling me to lower down my head more , I did as I was told tears threatening to fall , the auctioner struck his hammer thrice "so the bidding starts at 60000"

As soon as those words left his mouth some people started bidding the price began to go higher and higher , when I noticed the guard standing beside me giving me a grin , he came close to me , his hands came to the dress I was wearing making my heart beat faster , I didn't move due to the fear of being punished , his hands slowly gripped my dress tightly and ripped it off me making tears fall from my eyes "don't even try to move" the guard whispered threatingly before coming on my bra and ripping it in seconds making more tears fall from my eyes due to embarrassment , his hand came to my breast and squeezed it painfully and pinching my nipples hard making me cry out in pain , his hands again came to my lower part I closed my eyes tightly praying that he would leave it , his hands slowly traced to my ass and down and teased me before removing his hands completely "so a small sample of her is before you " the auctioneer said and smirked as the prices automatically started rising higher and higher

I spared a glance to the audience and was surprised to see the lust in people's eyes , my eyes roam over the audience when I noticed a old man in in sixties with lusty eyes , he caught me looking at him and deliberately licked his lips making me shiver in disgust and looking away from him

The bidding started getting higher , the old man also started competing with others , I silently began to pray in mind that he fails to buy me , 80000 dollars the old men shouted proudly knowing that no one would bid higher, he smirked at me looking at me with hungry eyes "80000 going once "he struck the hammer once "twice " he again strucks the hammer making me all of my hopes as soon as he was about to strike it the third time , someone from the audience shouted one million , the auctioner had a big smile on his lips "sold to the man in black, please submit your cash and take your property from the back room , I raised my head to look at the man who brought me but I was harshly draggged away from the stage by the guards

The guard threw me in a room and entered into the room , he came towards me and took out a blindfold from his pocket and tied me with it "listen to every words of your owner never disobey him "I didn't answer him and felt a sharp sting on my cheek "do you understand " I still didn't answer him and I waited for another blow of his slap.

I felt him raise his hands to strike me again , I tightly shut my eyes and waited for the stinging pain but it never came instead I heard a cold threating voice "don't dare to touch her or i will break your hand " his voice made me shake in fear

So another update as I promised

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