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I opened my eyes and looked around me to find myself in a bed , so was that a dream  I wasn't caught or kidnapped , I turned my head and looked around to find myself in a unknown room , the room was lavishly decorated with costly items and things , on the wall was antique pictures which looked costly , I was confused for a moment" this is not my room   where was I my room was never this good " I mumbled to myself when all the memories of being kidnapped and sold flooded in my mind,  so I was really kidnapped and was really sold .

I  got up and was about to step on the ground when I was tugged back on the bed , to my horror I noticed a leather handcuff attached to wrist preventing me from  moving further than sitting down  ,I got up  sitting on the bed and looked around the room which looked like a luxury room even the bed on which I am is extremely comfortable , I twisted my wrists and wriggled it trying to free from the handcuff but to no avail ,I decided to wait for someone to come , I have to somehow escape from here , I have to think of something soon , I was lost in my thoughts 

When a  young maid  came into the room with a tray of food  and placed it on the bed and looked at me " I am nina , sir has ordered you to eat this food  and to have a shower before changing into these clothes  as he would be back soon from work and he wants to see you in this dress  " she said , and  went towards the wardrobe in the corner of the room  and picked up a white sleeveless   dress and kept it on the bed , when an unknown  anger  and courage bubbled in me " so nina or whatever you are,  please tell your sir that I am not his pet that he can order me around and keep me like a chained dog I won't do a single  thing he says  " I  shouted at her "and you can't order me  around like that"  I said rudely looking at her with hate .

She looked at me and sighed , her eyes showed sadness  and helplessness" p please miss do as he says or he will punish you and you really wouldn't like it he is not the man to take no for an answer , I  I don't want you to go through what I have been  "  she said  her voice was low and sad

she again went out of the room again and shortly returned with something shiny  when I carefully  looked at it I realised it's an extention  for the handcuff that binded me to the  bed, "n no please take off these handcuff it's hurting me "I said pleading to her, she gave me a sympathetic look and sighed "p please let me do the work or if he finds out I didn't do what he said he will punish me  " she said softly tears  pooling in her eyes , "I never wanted to do this I never wanted to be a maid I wanted to be a doctor and help everyone but  faith had some other options for me , I was snatched out of my life and brought here  " she said sadly making me feel bad for her

She slowly took the  handcuff and rubbed my red wrists  for sometime before putting on the handcuff and extending the chain  enough to  let me go in the bathroom  easily and  come back to the bed , I went to her and hugged her suddenly shocking her for a minute before she regained  her posture and hugged me back tightly "y your hug feels so good it has been so many years  since someone hugged me like this  " she said as a  tear rolled down her cheek  her voice low and sad , I huggged her tightly "you are so kind "she said softly and smiled .

"It wasn't like this I had a loving family and friends but one night I was snatched away from everything and sold to this cold  man , h he is nothing b but  cold and cruel , d don't test this man or he will make you regret being born "she said as her voice trembled with fear as she uttered the words

"I isn't there a way to escape from here , I  know you don't wanna live here can't we try to escape ,  w we could both escape from here and run far away from this awful place " I said as  a small hint of hope  of seeing my parents and friends rose in my chest thinking that  if she could  help me  we could successfully run away from here.

Her eyes became wide with fear and her lips trembled "n no don't even try to escape from him , he has guards  scattered all around the place and if he catches you , he won't spare y you , I I tried e escaping once but was unsuccessful and he caught me and made sure to drill  into my mind never go escape again  " she said and shuddered with fear at the memories  "I I can't try to escape again because  if he catches me again h he won't spare me this time "

She said and took the plate of food before placing it before me , a delicious smell of bacon , toast and omlette filled my nose "have this  food before he comes and shower before putting on these clothes  or he will  blame me and punish me  for not  doing what he ordered "she said and looked at me begging me to eat my food , I decided not to eat  the food now  and try to convince her to escape with me "please let's try our luck once  and if we succeed we will be able to  run away from this place and you will also be able to see your parents and friends and you know this place better than me so you  know how to lead us out of this place " I pleased hoping that she would listen "b but I if we get caught again then "she questioned when a loud  and similar cold voice froze us in the place "so what were you  talking  to the maid about my  little doll "he asked his voice threatningly low  , the threat clear in his voice , I froze in my place and just stared at him, nina turned around at the voice and  started trembling in fear  realising who that voice belongs to

So another update for you all

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