Welcome to Wartwood! (Requests: Open)

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Hello everyone! Kitten here! Welcome to another one-shot book! This book is all about Amphibia, a heads up that some content will be targeted toward a mature audience due to mature elements.

Make sure to read the rules please before requesting. Thankyou!
Alright! Before you request anything! I gotta lay down some rules!
1. Keep Requests PG (No Saucy stuff/No 18+ smut)

2. No OC asks (It's hard to write OCs into the stories!)

3. No Yandere stuff (extreme yandere stuff, probably mild themes of it will be shown)

4. Please don't suggest Plots (It's more fun to think of my own plots tbh)

5. Don't request a bunch! (One request per person) (After you request, there's a two-week waiting period before I accept another request from the same person.)

6. This is an x reader, please don't bring ships into this (like any canon ships, this is an x reader thing only)

7. Tell me what gender the reader is, You can pick from this: female, male, or gender neutral! (Sorry, not gonna write same-gender stuff, just say gender-neutral.)

(7.5 You can only pick one character per request, multiple characters are tricky to write)

8. Due to a few mature elements sprinkled in Amphibia, there will be some oneshots that contain mature themes (a warning be written on top before every oneshot that contains these elements)


Anyways, thanks for reading and happy requesting! I can't wait to see what you will ask! Anyways, Kitten signing off! Have a good day.

Amphibia x reader one-shots (Open)Where stories live. Discover now