A Blissful Happy Moment filled with Smoke and Chaos (Sasha Waybright X Reader)

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(Request by:  blueberrys763 )

(Word Count: 1,238 words)

(A/N: Some more fluff! Figured Sasha deserved some happiness)


"Auntie Sasha!" a young girl rushed toward an older blond-hair woman. Her arms were wide open which Sasha gracefully scooped up. The youngster let out a gleeful giggle while clinging to her aunt for dear life. Another person entered the room accompanied by a small boy. Sasha cracked a smile at her older brother Chase, he looked worn out from his rambunctious kids.

"You looked like crap Chasey," Sasha teased playfully. "Oh Sasha, it'll be fine, you told me, having three kids was a great idea! The wifey and I can handle it~ You look like you're so handling it."

"Well wisecrack, technically baby number three is still baking in the oven, so therefore I have two present kids!" Chase shot back shooting a playful glare.

"Whatever you say, big brother," Sasha giggled. "I'm always happy to see my niece and nephew!"

"Go on Finley, go to your auntie Sasha!" Chase nudged his son toward her. "Don't worry, mommy and daddy will be right back, we just need to run some errands. Besides, you and sissy are going to have tons of fun with auntie! Isn't that right auntie?"

"Heck yeah we are, come give your aunt a big old monster hug!" Sasha took a knee offering one of her arms to her nephew. "Plus, I got cinnamon rolls too baking in the oven." That was enough of a motivation for Finley who darted straight into her arms. She held both kids close to her heart showering them with butterfly kisses and gushy words. She had such a soft spot for these kids.

"Hey, mind if we have a moment alone to talk?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, give me a second," Sasha nodded while putting the kids down. "Hey kiddos, how about you go play Legos in the other room? I just bought the newest Star Wars set!" Without hesitation, both the kids took off like a rocket into the living room. Sasha couldn't help but chuckle at this, those rascals were always full of so much energy!

"Thanks for babysitting today, I owe you one little sis," Chase replied tiredly. "Valerie and I were in desperate need of a night out on the town. Epically, with little Whitley on the way who knows how long it would be until we catch another break!"

"It's all good Chasey, you know I love being with Finley and Amberly! They're super adorable and fun to be with!"

"I know this sounds rude, but are you sure you can handle this? I know you don't like being around children, plus both are diagnosed with ADHD." Chase gave her a worried look. "They can be a bit much at times."

"Chill Chasey, that was when I was younger... it was because of mom and dad. They would always force me to babysit the brats next door because quoting mom, "the next-door neighbors are nice company." Yet, we both know our parents were after their fancy checkbooks..." Sasha crossed her arms. "Besides, I got a helping hand!" On cue, you poked your head from the kitchen. Offering a little wave to Chase and Sasha. Chase appeared caught off guard by your presence.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting you to have someone over Sasha..." He looked warily at you.

"Relax Chasey, it's all good in the hood, you keep forgetting that I live with my finance~" Sasha extended her hand to her brother; flashing her large diamond engagement ring. "We are the dream team Chasey, we can handle anything life throws at us, even two energetic youngsters."

"Heh...sorry it's just hard to see my baby sister all grown up!" Chase awkwardly chuckles. "Well, I better get going...Valerie is waiting in the car! I'll pick up Finley and Amberly at 7:00 pm."

"Bye Chasey, have fun on your date!" Sasha teased while shutting the door behind her brother. Once gone, you approached Sasha with your arms extended. She let out a quiet sigh as you snaked your arms around her waist. With placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, you held her close to you. A feeling of discomfort washed over you, you weren't exactly a huge fan of her brother Chase. He always felt off to you.

"I don't think Chase likes me too much...he always treats me differently..." you sighed. "Was it something I did?"

"No way babe, you didn't do anything! You're perfect in every way, my brother is overprotective of me, and with two absent parents, he was the one who raised me since I was four. I think it's hard for him to accept his baby sister is growing up and is getting married soon." Sasha nuzzled your shoulder.

"I just wish he was a bit more accepting now than being so brash toward me..." you murmured.

"He'll come around babe, it's just going to take him some time! Besides, once he sees that we're meant to be, he'll welcome you into the family with open arms..." Sasha crooned. "Now, better get the cinnamon rolls out of the oven before they burn! I'll get the kids."

"Oh shoot, my cinnamon rolls!" You squeaked while rushing toward the kitchen. Dark smoke poured out of the oven causing you to grumble a couple swears words under your breath. Swiftly, you grabbed a pair of oven mitts from the countertop and pried open the oven. Even more smoke billowed out triggering you to go into a coughing fit. Shoveling out the two cookie sheets from the oven, you turned the oven off. The smoke filled the entire kitchen causing the fire alarm to blare.

"Babe! What's with all the smoke!?" Sasha called out.

"Uh, just a small hiccup honey! Mind helping me crack some windows open to let the smoke out?" You nervously hollered back. Soon, the entire house had its windows open allowing the smoke to pool out. Finley and Amberly were perfectly safe and were contently sitting in front of the TV watching cartoons. Sasha hurried into the kitchen wearing a concerned expression on her face.

"Is everything okay? What happened?" Sasha was instantly by your side. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine honey, just...I burnt both dinner and dessert..." you sheepishly replied. Sasha glanced over to see the charred remains of a dinner casserole and what was supposed to be cinnamon rolls.

"Don't feel bad babe, every good chef makes mistakes, now I'm going to order pizza for dinner and maybe you can clean up what's left of dinner?" Sasha giggled while kissing you on the cheek.

"I wish my cooking was edible! Also, I think I burned our good cookie sheet!" you huffed whilst shoving the charred food into the trash. What a waste of a good meal, but alas you were no five-star chef. Just a cook rookie trying to make it big in the world with delicious exotic dishes. Well, maybe next time you should keep a closer eye than cuddling up to Sasha.

Despite that minor issue of burnt food, the evening went off without a hitch. Sasha did order pizza which Finley and Amberly were stoked about. They sat in front of the TV munching away at the cheesy goodness while watching an equally cheesy children's movie. You sat on the couch with Sasha cuddling up to each other. Enjoying this blissful moment of domestic bliss, even though later on the children had a little too many sweets causing them to bounce off the walls.

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