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Being the nerd of the class to Brett meant no friends, no social life, and most especially no girlfriend. He had gotten used to his quiet life. Having grown in a foster home where he wasn't exactly comfortable, he decided to move out when he got into university. Being a smart kid he had no issue regarding school, he was a scholarship student and everything was going pretty well for him.

This was until he met Tris. She was to him the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He knew she would never look at a guy like him so all he did was watch from afar.

Being in his first year of medicine everyone was desperately trying to adjust to the new life. Find out where they fit in, make new friends, and have a social life. All these were the least of Brett's worries because he had learnt to be alone and that worked pretty well for him.

Brett and Tris were sitting partners and he found every opportunity to start a conversation with her. She was always so nice to him, he volunteered to do all of her assignments for her. He knew he really liked her and he felt she also liked him and wasn't just being friendly to him. When others tried to tease him, she would always stand up for him. He was sure to confess his feelings to her and he was very confident she would say yes.

Being the nerd he is, Brett organized a very big banner saying "I love you Tris. Will you be my girlfriend?"

He went to the rooftop and set it down for everyone to see grabbing the attention of everyone. There were literally screams everywhere.

"OMG you have to say yes Tris" her close friend, Sam, whispered to her with a hilarious laugh.

"He's a freaking nerd. No way"

"Say yes say yes say yes everyone began to scream in unison"

"You want to look like the mean bitch who said no to such a cute love confession?" Sam whispered to her.

Tris began to walk towards him then she screamed "YES, I will be your girlfriend but please come down from there its dangerous"

Brett rushed down as quickly as he could and hugged Tris. While Brett was so happy all Tris could think of was how she couldnt wait to find a way to end this quietly.

The relationship went one for a month with Tris doing everything to be irritating so Brett leaves her alone. She made him do all her assignment. Being his seatmate she made him do her test first before he did his. But Brett was so deep into Tris that he was willing to take all of these for her. To him it was her own way of loving and he wouldn't have her any other way.

It was Tris' birthday and she had told him about how much she hated celebrating her birthdays and she would want to stay in that day but Brett planned to give a surprise. He bought a cute birthday cake, a cute white teddy bear, chocolates and a heart shaped necklace.

Going to her house made him super excited. It was exactly 7:30pm that Friday evening. As soon as he got to her apartment, he got confused. He knew her apartment address and her room number but hed never come to her apartment before. Confused whether it was ROOM 516 or 517, he knocked on room 516. It took a while for her to open the door and when he finally heard the lock he was shocked to see a guy.

He stood shocked for a few seconds until the mysterious guy who was wearing a black hoody jacket finally spoke.

"What do you want?"

"Isn't this Tris' house?"


"Yes. She's my girlfriend, a pretty blonde blue eyed girl. It's her birthday today and I got her a cake"

"I really don't know what you are saying but I think you got the wrong room" and with that he immediately shut the door.

Brett decided to try room 517 very sure that it would be her room. He was about to knock when he noticed the door wasn't locked. He pushed it open and walked in quietly.

He saw no sign of Tris and then carefully placed the things he bought on the side table. He decided to give her a call and began to hear her phone ring from inside the room, he moved towards the room when he realized there were some mumbling. He slowly pushed the door opened with the phone still pressed against his ear.

The door creaked open and what he saw shocked him leaving him unable to speak. Tris was on top of some other guy on her bed and he didn't need anyone to tell him what was going on.


"Brett, what are you doing here?. I told you not to come"

"Who is this guy?"

"I'm sorry Brett but this is my..."

"NO, Don't tell me" he said as he walked towards her and held onto her shoulders squeezing tightly.

The guy stood up from the bed and rushed towards Tris "What do you think you are doing?, let go off her"

"No stop. I need to tell him now, I'm tired of pretending to be in love with some freaking nerd."

"Tris you don't need to tell me anything. I know its all a mistake and I forgive you. I know you love me. Right now you are just confused and I completely understand. I will give you some time"


"Tris you don't understand. I know you love me. This guy is just confusing you. Is he forcing you? I will protect you, I promise."

"Protect me? You can't even protect yourself. Look Brett you are a good guy but you are just not my type"

"Then why did you say yes"

"I didn't want to hurt you"

"Or maybe you wanted to keep looking like the nice pretty princess but in reality you're really just a..." he felt betrayed but he still loved her and couldn't bring himself to utter one terrible thing about her.

At this point, Brett had completely broken down. He was all tears and a broken heart. He held her face and kissed her forehead one last time before quietly turning around and exiting her apartment.

As he left the apartment he remembered every word Tris said to him, he felt broken. Oblivious to the rain, he began to walk home when he noticed someone walking behind him. He looked back and saw a figure, too dark to make out anything. He began to increase his pace and so did the person behind him.

They were now running at full speed when he was suddenly tackled to the floor and was hit hard on the head making him pass out instantly.


Hey guys, this chapter didn't exactly have the best beginning. I find it difficult to choose a perfect way to start a first chapter to make viewers more interested, I was trying to write down a very enticing start for the first chapter but settled with this after several failed attempts but I hope you continue to be patient.
Vote, comment and share. Thank you♡♡♡


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