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Love is just a process of your imagination, it's just something you want to have but in reality you already have it. Love doesn't mean you to have a partner. Love can be anything.

That's according to Jennie. She has been single since birth. She doesn't really believe in love not when Lisa came.

Sometimes when she's in a meeting, Lisa would randomly pop out her mind causing her to space out smiling on thin air where her employees would find it weird. Of course, they never saw Jennie smile before.

"Another date mom? Aren't you tired?" Jennie softly asked her mom.

"I won't stop until you find your own partner Jennie. We aren't getting younger just saying. We want grandkids too!"

Jennie secretly rolled her eyes and slumped down their couch, "Mom I told you--'

"That you are not interested, that you don't believe in love, that blah blah blah." Her mom finished what Jennie's about to say.

Jennie clicked her tongue, "Correct!"

Her mom sighed and shakes her head in disbelief when their front door opened with someone happily skipping their way towards Jennie.

"Hello aunt Jane!"

"Oh Jisoo, did you already have your dinner?" Jisoo nodded and smiled.

"I did, I came to fetch Jennie. We're going out to meet with a few friends." Jisoo winked and then faced the now confused cat.

"We're going out?"

"Uhuh, now better get your ass ready in ten. Now go!"

Jennie didn't protest snd just obliged as she wanted to escape her mom's rants.

She quickly dressed into a simple chanel white tee and putting on a leather jacket, using a black skinny jeans. Simple but she stands out with the outfit.



"You came!" Jisoo gave the rabbit a hug and moved so Jennie could do the same.

"Hey happy birthday Nayeon. I'll be honest with you, I kind of forgot it's your birthday and thanks to Jisoo for reminding me." Jennie chuckled and handed the latter a white bag. "My gift for you."

Nayeon took the gift from her friend and faced the other Kim. "Where's my gift?" She pouted.

"Isn't my presence enough? A Kim Jisoo in your birthday is already a gift you know." Nayeon rolled her eyes and ushered the two to follow her to the private room of the bar they rented.

On the door, Jennie can already hear giggles and laughs inside the room. When they entered, she saw the rest of their friends inside with glasses in their hands.

"Do take a seat, I'll just take care of something." Nayeon said and walked out the room again.

They greeted each other and talked for a while until eventually, Jennie drifted away when a certain blonde dominated her mind again. Just why can't Lisa get out of her mind? Because now all she just want to do is to go see Lisa and hold her in her arms, savor her intoxicating smell and just kiss her everywhere.

"You're spacing out." Someone nudge her bringing her to the reality. Jennie looked beside her and saw a blonde that reminds her so much of Lisa.

"Sorry, I was thinking of something. By the way, I'm Jennie...again." she chuckles bringing out her hand for a handshake.

The blonde took the handshake, "Rosé--"

The door suddenly opened with two people coming in while having a big smile on their faces. It was Nayeon and another woman, that is blonde.

As soon as the blonde who just came in roam her eyes around the room, her smile immediately turned into a frown.

Jennie who can't believe her eyes on who just entered, she squints her yes and rubs it. Why was Lisa here? She's now starting to think that maybe God loves her so much that He found a way for her and Lisa to see each other without of course for of their own pleasure.

"Lisayah!" Tzuyu stand up and ran to give the Thai a hug. "It's very rare for you to come to parties, tell me, did Nayeon blackmailed you?"

The other people inside the room burst out laughing at what the tall girl said making the bunny glare at them all.

"Fyi, she greeted me and asked me if there was a party! She said she needed a drink."

Lisa giggled and met Jennie's eyes but looked away immediately when she Rosé beside her. She went to take a seat in between Seulgi and Irene.

Irene side hugged the blonde, "Hey I missed you. You've been aloof these past months."

"Sorry, was just on something... but look at the brighter side, I'm here!" Lisa smiled.

Seulgi who sensed something, she looked around the room and caught another blonde staring at their way, or should we say staring at Lisa. Come to think of it, aren't they best friends? Why is Lisa sitting here instead with her best friend? That's what's in Seulgi's head right now as she glances on the girl beside her.

The party went on with Jennie glancing over Lisa every minute. What she can't understand is why Lisa isn't even giving her a glance. It's like they're both strangers to each other. But Nayeon introduced them to each other a while ago, they just played along.

Everyone's drunk, Lisa stands up in attempt to go to the restroom. Well she succeeded, when she went out the stall, she was met with a girl with chipmunk like cheeks looking at her with pleading eyes.


Lisa walked pass by her and went to wash her hands on the sink not sparing a glance on the girl behind her who was fidgeting her fingers.

"Lisa, can we talk?"

This made the Thai sigh and turns around, "Rosé, there's nothing to talk. Wasn't it clear that the friendship we had is over? Can't you just take it in already?"

Rosé immediately shook her head no, she holds Lisa's hand only to be yanked away, "Don't you dare touch me! It was so stupid of mine to actually come here not thinking that you would possibly be here too."


The door suddenly opened with Jennie peeling her head and looked at the two girls, "I.. I'm sorry."

"Jennie! There you are." Lisa took this opportunity to get out of the room and to be away from her ex best friend.

"M-me?" Jennie pointed herself confused but then Lisa pulled her already towards the room where their friends are.

Another hour passed, Lisa was just drinking her shots completely silent watching her friends singing, talking, laughing together. It was such a small world that Jennie would also be Nayeon's friend.

The all of a sudden, a sudden question came out from Tzuyu's mouth catching Lisa off guard, "Oh by the way Lisa, when's the wedding with Jae? Come on, we're excited here. It's been like years and we're still here waiting for you two to finally tie each other down and give us nieces and nephews!"

Lisa looked away from the eyes of the people inside who were waiting for her answer. Rosé looked down feeling guilty as it was also her fault of why the couple broke up.

But Lisa just couldn't take it anymore. Because eventually everyone would know that Jaehyun and her already over. She takes a deep breath and looks at her ex best friend who's looking down and to Tzuyu.

"Oh sorry, I haven't told you that we're over?" Lisa replies casually like it was nothing for her but deep inside, it hurts her. Gasps followed and everyone stopped on what they're doing and looked at Lisa.

"I'm sorry." Rosé suddenly stand up walking to Lisa. "Lisa, I'm real sorry please..."

Lisa clenched her jaw and looked over Rosé's shoulder and saw Jennie. She thought of something and walked to the cat.

"Anyways, I did tell y'all but Jennie and I are actually friends. So we'll be going first."

Jisoo blinks her eyes when she saw her cousin being dragged by the Thai beauty.

"Umm, how the hell?"

A/N: thoughts? I honestly think the story is boring

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