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It's been a few days with Jennie staying by Lisa's side. Tho sometimes, Jennie would be at work, she would always make time for Lisa.

Jennie would always go visit the Manoban's residence, bringing fruits and gifts for Lisa's mom.

Lisa saw how Jennie's changing, after that talk about their arrange marriage, Jennie has been slowly dropping hints about her being serious although Lisa already knew about it.

Just like now, Jennie is holding Lisa's hand while they walk outside the Manoban's mansion. It's a sweet sight for anyone who think they're together.

"You want me to fetch you later?" Jennie asked hugging Lisa's waist as they're right infront of Lisa's car.

"Hmm, I'm taking my car remember?"


Lisa was about to kiss Jennie's cheeks when Jennie captured the blonde's sweet plump lips. Oh she's addicted to Lisa's lips.

"Mmh..." Lisa elicits a low moan when Jennie sucked her lower lip. She pulled away first and pecks Jennie's lips before smiling. "I'm going, Chan might be waiting for me already."

"Okay, take care. Phone me if you need help."

Lisa entered her car and started it before sliding the window down, "I will, bye!"

Jennie waved her hand watching Lisa drive away. She's happy.

She's genuinely happy.

And she proudly admits, that love is real. And she found it on Lisa.


Lisa successfully found a parking space. She went down fixing her dress and walks to the elevator taking her up to the lobby of the restaurant.

"Park Chanyeol." She tells the staff on the reception.

The staff looks to her list, "This way ma'am."

Another staff asked her to follow her to a room that Chanyeol booked. The staff opened the door and left after Lisa lend her thanks. Inside the room is Chanyeol with two other man that Lisa remembered as Chanyeol's friends (bad influence friends to be exact).

"Lisa," Chanyeol smiled embracing the blonde, the other two people inside the room could only give Lisa a light smile and looks down on their laps. "Glad you came, take a seat."

Sitting down, there was a knock on the door seems like the food Chanyeol ordered was done already.

"How about we eat first before the talk?" Chanyeol suggested looking at Lisa, "and I'll explain why these two are here."

"Okay, whatever Chan." Lisa said nonchalantly.

They all started to dig in the food, Lisa just ate a little wanting for this lunch to be done and get into the talk already so she can go meet up with Jennie.

Because nowadays, all she just wants is to be with Jennie everytime. She admits, Jennie is somehow became special to her already and maybe, maybe they can give this relationship a chance. Forget about being fuck buddies and enter a real relationship.

The table was cleaned after they finished. The door closed leaving the four people inside to talk.

"Okay now speak." Lisa started.

Chanyeol nodded and eyes the two other people, "You remember this two right?" Lisa nodded, she remembers the brunette as Kai and the gray haired as Baekhyun. "Okay good... and about Rosie--"

"Look Chan, if you called me for you to defend Rosé, I'm sorry but I think we shouldn't continue this talk ." Lisa grits her teeth.

Chanyeol shakes his head, "No, no I'm not here to defend her. Look, what happened to you is not a joke. I too will be mad as hell, no one deserves that but listen to me okay, please?"

Lisa didn't speak and Chanyeol took this opportunity to continue, "They will explain okay? I'm not here to tell you about getting back together with Jae or forgiving him and Rosé but I just want you to listen first."

Chanyeol signals the other two to start.

"Uh...umm... I- I'm..." Kai stammers biting his lip and glancing over Baekhyun for help.

"Ugh fine, look Lisa we're deeply sorry for what happened to you and Jaehyun. And I'm gonna admit that everything that happened was because of us." Baekhyun confessed, "It was all because of a stupid dare."

Kai felt guilty taking a deep breath and finally speaking up, "I... I dared Baek to...to drug Jae..Jaehyun and Rosé's drinks that night at a party... They didn't do anything wrong Lisa, it's our fault. Please forgive us!"

The two kneeled clasping their hands together. Oh they fucked up.

Lisa couldn't even utter a word. Why does it feel like she's also at fault? Why did she not even give her two best friends to explain?

The thai stands up from her seat.

She walks to the door opening it and left. Chanyeol signaled his two friends to stop on their tracks and just leave her be.

Lisa walked to the parking lot and entered her car, that's when her tears escaped her eyes.

Of course, she just knew what happened behind that scene. She loved Jaehyun and now that the truth is out, she can't help but to think of going to Jaehyun's. She's hurt when she got to witnessed that dirty scene but thinking how could Jaehyun felt when Lisa accused him if being a cheater when she didn't know the truth at all.


Jennie was a few blocks away from Lisa who just parked her car infront of a house. She didn't mean to follow Lisa, she respects Lisa's privacy but her body betrayed her and followed Lisa anyway.

She watched Lisa go down her car and walked to the front door ringing the door bell.

The door opened revealing Jaehyun with two big dark circles on his eyes, messy hair, and seemingly skinnier Jaehyun.

"Lisa?" Jaehyun can't believe what he's seeing right now. Could he be dreaming? He thinks he is considering he just woke up. He slaps his face confirming it's not a dream. "I-it's real..."


Jaehyun's tears streamed and embraced Lisa in a tight hug, burying his face on the blonde's shoulder as he cries.

A car passes by them, the person driving the car can't explain what she is feeling. It aches seeing the person she loves returning to the person that she loved before. Not to mention how they hugged each other like they haven't seen each other for years.

Jennie drove away with tears clouding her eyes, she eventually stopped on the side to avoid getting caught in an accident. She leans her head on the steering wheel feeling so drained.

Once again, she doesn't believe in love. Everything is temporary.

Her phone rings getting her out of her thoughts finally wiping those tears off her face and answered the call which was from her dear cousin who asked if she's free for the night. Just a night out, drinking and getting wasted like before.

Jennie immediately said she's going. It's for her own good anyway. She badly needs a drink and for her to clear whatever is running inside her head.

A/N: Jennie or Jamal? Who do you think deserves Lisa?

Hello don't forget to VOTE please, I really appreciate it if you vote. ☺️

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