Chapter 10

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Katsuki began to see red in his left eye. The pain was unbearable. It felt like his eye was on fire. He was trembling. His hands held tightly onto the handle of the dagger. It hurt. It hurt so much. And he knew it would hurt more once he pulled it out. Katsuki no longer felt nauseous. Only pain filled his senses.

"Now pull it out," the Suriel slurred. Chills went down Katsuki's spine from its voice. His knees buckled from shaking so much. He felt so weak. As he looked down. He saw small drops of blood fall onto the wooden floor. Katsuki held back a gag. He wanted Izuku. Wanted this to end. He wanted to be in his arms and have Izuku whisper comforting words into his ear as he slept on his lap. He wanted to smell his recognizable scent and be with him forever after so long.

Katsuki let out a shaky breath. He held onto the handle of the dagger and prepared himself.

He roughly pulled the dagger out with his eye, causing a jolt of pain. Katsuki screamed loud enough to cause the birds outside to fly away. He dropped the dagger and fell to his knees, putting his hands to his hollow eye. His vision was blurry but he could see his eye at the tip of the dagger, covered in blood and the nerves at the end of it. Katsuki let out a sob and curled in on himself.

The Suriel grabbed the dagger and examined the eye.

"Marvelous," it said. Katsuki sobbed from the pain and fear. His eye, it was gone. It was no longer his. He could feel the blood begin to build up in his hands and drip onto the ground. Causing a pool of blood in front of him. It was his blood. His blood that was being drained out from his eye.

"Izuku," Katsuki sobbed through tears. The Suriel looked at katsuki.

"You may ask your questions now." Katsuki didn't think he had the will to ask questions and think. This pain was overwhelming his senses and the ability to think. He just wanted to sleep and never wake up. But the thing inside him wanted him to stand up and ask those questions without a stutter in his voice. So he did.

Katsuki shakily got up and removed his hands from his eye. The ring on his finger was no longer shining in the light for the blood of him was covering it. He could see the Suriel and his right side only. His left side was completely black. The air in the room hit his hollow gap, causing it to feel more uncomfortable. The Suriel looked at him.

"Who is Izuku," Katsuki asked.

"Going in strong I see," it said. "Answer the damn question." Katsuki was losing his patience. He wanted this to end quickly.

"Izuku is the king of demons. He controls the idea of nightmares and night," it replied. Demons and nightmares? But he seems too kind to rule such a thing. Maybe he's only kind to katsuki and no one else. Katsuki's heart fluttered slightly at the thought.

"Where is his kingdom?" "Five days from here in the North," it replied. His heart was pounding in his chest from the adrenaline. The pain of his eye slowly was becoming more unbearable by the second. Blood was sliding down his cheek into his mouth. The metallic taste of blood touching his tongue. Katsuki wanted to puke.

"I know there's a spell in this house causing me to not leave. How can I leave," katsuki asked.

"That one is a simple question. Just leave through gates." Katsuki was surprised by that answer. Just leave? That simple? It didn't sound right. It was too good to be true.

"Just leave," katsuki asked. "Yes, it is that simple." The Suriel spoke as it examined Katsuki's eye. Katsuki felt sick.

"Is that all the questions you have," the Suriel asked. "I have one final one." Katsuki might have knew the answer to this question but he was curious. He lost his eye for this chance, might as well use it up.

"Does Izuku love me?" The Suriel looked to katsuki. Katsuki looked into its gaze. Only looking into its blank eyes. The Suriel seemed hesitant for this question. It made katsuki nervous. Maybe he was carefully thinking what he should say or he was hesitant in even answering. What if Izuku didn't love him? The thought made Katsuki's heart ache.

"To answer your question......he would kill everyone in this manor just to take you and bring you to his bed," the Suriel answered. A blush appeared across Katsuki's cheeks. Tears slipped from his cheek. Izuku loved him. He loved him still. Katsuki let a sob escape from his lips and he fell to the ground once again. Blood covered more of his hands and his pants. He sobbed and sobbed.

"Izuku," he sobbed. The Suriel watched katsuki. Katsuki looked up at the Suriel.

"Thank you," he said. The Suriel looked at him in surprise from the kindness of his words.

"Do not thank me. I was only fulfilling my side of the bargain," it replied. "Still, thank you. For giving me hope." Katsuki gave the Suriel a smile. Pain fell on the Suriel's face and it looked away.

"One last thing before I leave, seraph," it spoke. Katsuki looked at him. "Things out there will trick you with everything they have. Do not be fooled so easily," it said. Katsuki didn't understand its warning from the pain and tiredness but nodded.

"Good bye, seraph," the Suriel said.

"Wait!" The Suriel turned to Katsuki.

"Why do you keep calling me 'seraph'," katsuki asked.

"Because it was what you used to be known as," it responded. The windows opened, allowing a gust of wind enter the room. Leaves flew in and landed onto the ground. The Suriel looked back at Katsuki and turned away, flying out into the darkness. Katsuki was left alone. The sound of his blood and tears dripping onto the floor, making the pool of blood larger.

Katsuki felt something rise in his throat and he spilled it out onto the floor. Tears brimmed his eye as he puked onto the ground. He held back his own hair. He stopped after there was nothing more to let out.

Exhaustion hit him like a boulder. The pain of his missing eye still hurt like hell and he felt horrible after puking. As he looked at the moonlight shining into the room, he couldn't help but move his head side to side. His vision was blurry. He fell to his side and looked toward the window. No one came to bring him into his room and to give him a warm bath. No one came to take care of his missing eye as it bled. And no one came as he cried himself to sleep in his own blood and tears.

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