Chapter 7| Is this your girlfriend?

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3rd person POV:

"Dad!Mason! I'm home!" Mabel shouted as she walked into her house.
"In here!" Mason shouted back.
Mabel followed her brother's voice into the kitchen. Soft laughing and talking can be heard
'Who's that?' Mabel thinks as she enters the kitchen.
Oh,it's a girl.
A really pretty girl.
"Hey,where's dad and Hazel?" Mabel asked sitting next to her brother on the breakfast bar.
"Oh they went out,they'll be back soon" He replied.
"Alright,who's this?" Mabel said pointing her attention to the pretty girl who looked around Mason's age sitting opposite her.
"Oh yeah! Mabel this is Sophia, Sophia this is my younger sister Mabel" he introduced the two girls.
"Oh,I thought you said your sister's name was Hazel or something?" Sophia asked.
"Yes I do have a sister called Hazel,but this is Mabel I've got two sisters" he replied.
"Yeah lucky you,anyway sorry for being so rude. I'm Mabel nice to meet you Sophia" Mabel said holding her hand out with a smile,
"Yeah,nice to meet you to Mabel" Sophia replied shaking hands with the younger girl.
Mason just smiled and brang his drink to his lips.

"So,is this your girlfriend" Mabel said so suddenly that Mason choked on his beverage,which looked like lemonade?
"E-exuse me?" He asked getting up to grab paper towels.
"Is this your girlfriend? Or do you have a crush on her? They're the only two reasons you bring a girl into the house." Mabel asked again
"Oh,no honey I'm just his friend from university at the moment." Sophia purposely said the last part of her sentence so Mason didn't hear it,but Mabel did.
She looked down and smirked to herself knowing that she needs to set them up. Soon. Very soon.
"Yeah she's my friend,we met in English" Mason said amusement laced in his tone as he cleaned up his mess.
"What's so funny??" Mabel asked.
"Nothing Mabel,just go to your room we'll catch up later yeah?" Mason said
"Yeah sure,nice to meet you Sophia,see you later Mason"
"You too,have a nice evening" Sophia replied kindly as Mabel grabs her bag.
"Shit!" she said remembering she needs to message Jay on when he wanted his books.
"Language!" Mason said
"Sorry! Ive gotta go,see you!" Mabel said sprinting up the stairs
"Okay.." Mason said confused on why Mabel was acting so of.

Mason's POV:
"Yeah I remember that to!" Sophia laughed.
Her laugh is so fucking beautiful I could listen to it for hours.
"Dad!Mason! I'm home!" I heard Mabel shout as she entered the house.

Mabel's been really distant lately because of her end of year assessments,but I'm so proud of her that words can't even explain it. She's worked so hard to get here and I'm really hoping she does well,she deserves it. Honestly,Mabel is such a good sister to me and to Hazel,she's becoming such an independent and smart young adult and she doesn't even know it and I wish she did.

"In here!" I replied back. Not to long after Mabel enters the kitchen. She's holding a tote bag with from what I can see books. Lots of books.

"Hey,where's dad and Hazel?" Mabel asked sitting next to me and opposite Sophia on the breakfast bar.
"Oh they went out,they'll be back soon" I replied.
"Alright,who's this?" Mabel asked flashing her eyes to Sophia and back at me again.
'My girlfriend' I thought but I couldn't say that.
1 she's not my girlfriend
2 I'm not even sure she likes me like that
3 Mabel would probably say some shit like "oooo,I ship you two" so it's best if I let my thoughts stay as thoughts.
"Oh yeah! Mabel this is Sophia, Sophia this is my younger sister Mabel" I said introducing my favourite two girls,minus Hazel of course.
"Oh,I thought you said your sister's name was Hazel or something?" Sophia asked she genuinely looks confused. Has she forgotten already? Did I not tell her I had two sisters?
"Yes I do have a sister called Hazel,but this is Mabel I've got two sisters" I reminded her.
"Yeah lucky you,anyway sorry for being so rude. I'm Mabel nice to meet you Sophia" Mabel said holding her hand out with a smile,
"Yeah nice to meet you to Mabel" Sophia replied shaking hands with my little sister.
I smiled hoping that they would get along and took a sip out of my drink.

"So,is this your girlfriend" Mabel asked. Where did she get that from?
"E-exuse me?" I asked her out if embarrassment not because I didn't hear her.
"Is this your girlfriend? Or do you have a crush on her? They're the only two reasons you bring a girl into the house." Mabel asked again. I mean she isn't wrong,the only girls I've brang home are my past girls or past crushes so I can kinda see where she got that from. I was about to reply when Sophia beat me to it
"Oh,no honey I'm just his friend from school" She said as I cleaned up my spilt lemonade from the counter before it got sticky.
"Yeah she's my friend,we met in English" I said,chuckling about how we met.

It was quite funny actually,I was late for class and didn't really care that much. Sophia was assigned the seat next to me and as I was getting a drink of water when my dumbass mate,Leo, decide to ask her the most stupid question,which I'm not going to repeat. For some reason we were both drinking at the same time,Leo asked her the question as we both had water in our mouths. It was one of those stupid but funny questions and we both looked at each-other with wide eyes then burst out laughing. Accidentally both of our water went all over each-other and the carpet. As we were both laughing our English teacher gave us both detention and we got sent out. Since then we've been really close friends and as much as I love being her friend,I want to be more than friends. She's got a special place in my heart that no one else has or has ever had.

"What's so funny??" Mabel asked.
"Nothing Mabel,just go to your room we'll catch up later yeah?" I said wanting to spend time with Sophia,it's very rare for her to come out or come round so I want to treasure this moment with her and speak to Mabel later.
"Yeah sure,nice to meet you Sophia,see you later Mason"
"You too,have a nice evening" Sophia replied kindly as Mabel grabs her bag.
"Shit!" Mabel said a little to loudly for my liking. Not that I like her swearing but she's 18 next month so I can't really do anything about it,I just tell her to swear quietly when she's around me,any other time I couldn't give two flying fucks to be honest.

"Language!" I said
"Sorry! Ive gotta go see you!" Mabel said then sprinted up the stairs. That was odd,she only ever runs up the stairs when she's in trouble,scared or has something important to do.
"Okay.." I said to myself putting the paper towels in the bin.
"She's really pretty,how old is she?" I heard Sophia say from behind me.
"Oh Mabel? She's seventeen,turning eighteen next month" I told her
"The genes are very strong,she looks a lot like you" Honestly everyone says that but I can't see it. I can definitely see Mabel in Hazel though. They both have dark chocolate brown hair and bright brown eyes.
"Yeah I guess so" I reply thinking of something to do.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask Sophia
"Yeah sure,I don't mind" Sophia replied hoping off of the stool and following me to the living room.

A/N: what do we think about Mason's point of view?? Pleaseee let me know cause if you do I'll gladly do other characters. Anyway I hope you have an amazing day/night:) I also really like this chapter lol.

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The next chapter might take a while to publish so I apologise about that. I'm not really sure what to write but I'll come up with something🫶🏾

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