CHAPTER 2: Final Selection

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If Izuku Was Part Demon...

Deku's POV

"Once you have entered there's no turning back." Kanata continued, after a few minutes passed.

"You'll have to survive inside the Demon Prison for 7 days." Kuina said,

"When the 7 days are over." Kanata continued,

"You will hear 5 tolls of the giant Gong here." Kuina said, she then gesture towards a giant Gong behind them

"The Gong can be heard through out the prison." Kanata continued,

"The exit is to the east where the sun rises." Kuina said, pointing towards the now rising sun.

"We will see you there when the 7 days are over." Kanata said,

"You all now may enter. The Final Selection starts now." Kuina and Kanata said in unison.

They moved out of the way of the entrance. I looked at Tanjiro he looked back at me we smiled at each other before walking forward inside the Demon's Prison.

Izuku's POV
We entered The Demon's Prison. I decided to make some small talk, so I asked Tanjiro about something that was bothering me.

"Tanjiro can I ask why I smell two Demons' scents on you?" I asked, he froze then he looked at me in shock.

"Hu-how can you tell its more than one demon's scent?" He asked, I just tapped my nose.

"I have enhanced sense of smell, hearing, sight, taste, touch, and I have a six sense that allows me to sense incoming danger or I feel someone in danger and also cuz I am ⅓ Demon and ⅔ Human." I said, showing him my Demon split pupils and fangs.

He looked at me in horror. Seeing his look of horror I quickly returned back to normal and started apologizing to him.

"I'm sorry Tanjiro. I just didn't want to keep any secrets from you since your my first friend who isn't a demon or someone of demon heritage." I said apologetically, I looking down.

"I completely understand if you don't trust me and want to separate, but I'm still mostly human my first dad was a Demon Slayer and my mom was half Demon and half human. My dad was killed by demons before I was born and my mother died from childbirth after she named me. My adoptive Father is a demon who found me in a alley way. If it wasn't for him I probably would've died." I said, looking up and saw Tanjiro trying to calm down, from the fright I had given him.

"I'm sorry Deku you just caught me by surprise, but can I ask if you know anything about Muzan Kibutsuji?" He asked, I gave him a questioning look.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked, he looked down.

"My Family was killed and my sisters were turned into demons. There were two scents inside the house. One of them was on my sisters." He said,

"Oh..." I said, realizing where this is going.

If Deku Was Part Demon (Demon Slayers x MHA/BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now