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Author's POV
There are two different species in this story they are humans and demons. You may already know what humans and demons are, so I'm not going to go into detail about them.

There are also mostly breeds, half breeds, and partly breeds.

Mostly Breeds are mostly human or mostly demon. Is either ⅔ or ¾ of either species is a mostly breed species. Mostly Demons are a bit more aggressive than part breeds or half breeds. Mostly humans are stronger than normal humans and their senses are more sensitive than normal humans. Izuku and Shoto are mostly human.

Half Breeds have a parent that is a demon while the other is human. They are aggressive and have anger issues. They are considered the strongest, but they aren't always the smartest. Katsumi is a half breed.

Partly Breeds are partly human or partly demon. Is either ⅓ or ¼ of either species is a partly breed species. Partly demons are not as aggressive as half breeds or mostly breeds.

The difference between ⅓ human, ⅔ human, ¼ human, and ¾ human that one of the parents is a Half Breed. If the mother is a Half Breed and the father is Human. Then the child will be ⅓ Demon and ⅔ Human. If the father is a Half Breed and the mother is Human. Then the child will be ¼ Demon and ¾ Human.

The difference between ⅓ demon, ⅔ demon, ¼ demon, and ¾ demon that one of the parents is a Half Breed. If the father is a Half Breed and the mother is Demon. Then the child will be ⅓ Human and ⅔ Demon. If the mother is a Half Breed and the father is demon. Then the child will be ¼ Human and ¾ demon.

A Mate is the significant other that only demons, half demons, and part demons can find. A Mate is equal to soulmates. Only difference is that when they and their Mate touch they'll feel something like an electric shock go up and down their spine with every touch.

A Soulmate is the significance other for humans, half humans, and mostly humans, but it's rare for humans to find their Soulmates. They will have a tattoo like image appear on their body at the age of 10 and their Soulmate will have a matching one, but it will be a mirror image and are different in colors, but they will have the same colors just in a different pattern than their Soulmate. It most likely will appear on either their arms, legs, shoulders, back, neck, hands, or feet.

Information on D.D.S.C

D.D.S.C is short for Demon Demon Slayers Corps. It's a place for demons that wish to atone for what they've done. There are also programs for people like Izuku. Who have a demon heritage. The program consists of half breed demons, part breed demons and sometimes mostly breed demons and demons. Depending on how they can control themselves in their Demon Rage Mode. Will determine if they can be trained to be Demon Slayers or not. Also the D.D.S.C will give human blood or animal blood to the all demons so they won't starve.

The D.S.C made a deal with the D.D.S.C and Muzan that all Demon Demon Slayers who go rogue will be killed when found. Muzan and the D.D.S.C agreed. Muzan appointed a demon named Nezu to lead the D.D.S.C.

Nezu is loyal to Muzan, but Nezu isn't your average demon. No. Nezu is a type of animal demon that was experimented on by demons. He is immortal and immune to the sun. Some people who meet him know why he is known as The Satan Rat, The Rat Demon, or more commonly known as NezutheRatGod.

[A/N: Shout out to🐭NezutheRatGod🐭 go check him out cuz if you like my stories then you'll love his. ❤ ]

The D.D.S.C was establish when Izuku was 4 by Muzan and it has been made like a rehab for demons and a place for young children with a demon heritage to learn, grow, and train their minds, bodies, and senses. It later became known as U.A for Demons. Then when Izuku was 8 Muzan established four more D.D.S.Cs made all over Japan. So that all children with demon heritage can still learn, grow, and train their minds, bodies, and senses. Each establishment is built at the base of a mountain with high altitude.

If Deku Was Part Demon (Demon Slayers x MHA/BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now