CHAPTER 6: The Visit & Reunion

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If Izuku Was Part Demon...

Deku's POV

"It was a tie to be completely honest with you. We ended up knocking each other out with our last blow." Amber said, I looked at her surprised.

Then I looked at Kacchan for confirmation. She just nodded. I was amused a little by how they were on par with each other. I gave them a small chuckle.

I then told them that dinner will be ready soon. They should go take a bath before it's ready and that I'll bring them their clothing and towels. They agreed and made their way to the hot springs.

We continued to train until Tanjiro woke back up. This was also the day my family decided to come see me. I was very surprised to see all of them came. The tension in the air was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. 

Deku's POV

I ran towards Dad and he immediately caught me then he tossed me up into the air. I screamed with laughter as he caught me. My laughter was what snapped Tanjiro, Amber, Nezuko, and Urokodaki from their shock.

"Dad, you brought everyone here!" I said, my dad smirked and ruffled my head, I squawk out indignation. As swatted away his hand and tried to fix my already messy bushy hair.

"What did you expect kiddo? Everyone has been immediately wanting to come see you and I thought I might as well come too..." Suddenly he stopped, I looked up at him curiously and saw him looking at Tanjiro and his sisters.

I released him decided to introduce everyone. I walk away from Dad and put an arm around Tanjiro's shoulders and gave off a large smile.

"Dad, allow me to introduce you to my friend. This is Tanjiro Komodo and his two sisters Nezuko Komodo and Amber Komodo. The man in the red mask is Urokodaki, and the Ash blonde is Katzumi Bakugo." I pointed out each of them. "Oh, Also Amber and Katzumi are my bonded mates." That got auntie Mitsuki's attention.

"Wait... Katzumi is that really you?" She said as she took a few steps from the crowd and when Katzumi saw her, she froze and released what sounded like a whimper, before she asked in a shakie voice.

"Ma... Mama!" She asked, auntie smiled and nodded, Katzumi immediately ran forward and tackled Auntie Mitsuki to the ground.

Katzumi then proceeded to begin crying into her kimono. Mitsuki immediately returned the hug and began crying into Kacchan's hair. I decided to leave them be since they are having what I expect to be an emotional reunion between a mother and her daughter.

I smiled at this and decided to leave the two to catch up on lost time. I turned back and began introducing everyone to my friends.

Once I was done. I was pulled to the side by my Aunt Doki and Mama Inko. They immediately told me that I better treat both of my mates equally and I swore that I had every intention of doing so. They smiled and released me.


It's been two and a half years, since Tanjiro and I had met at the Final Selection, and we have been training nonstop with Tanjiro's sisters and Kacchan. A year ago Nezuko and Amber were finally giving the green light to go to the Final Selection. Me and Tanjiro decided to train some more until they returned.

A week later I woke wide awake looking at my hands and saw that they were glowing with red creaks and I notice small sparks of green bolts shooting off me.

"That dream..." I rubbed my eyes as I remembered my dream.


"Kid... U... eed... to... stop... Shigiraki... before... it's... to... late..."

"Master Torino!"

"Zu, we're... In... Trouble... We've... Tried... our... Best... But... The... Rest... Is... Up... To... U..."


"We... All... Believe... In... you... Kiddo..."


"Deku... Don't... Let... Those... Bastards... Win...!"


"See... You... On... The... Other... Side... Izuku... It... Was... Great... To.... fighting... Beside... U..."


"Deku... Run... Back... And... Protect... my... sisters..."

"Tanjiro! DON'T IT'S A TRAP!"

~End Of Dream-Vision~

"TANJIRO! NOOOOOO!?" I woke up screaming, with tears running down my face, and I immediately started getting up. 

"Izuku, is everything ok, kiddo?" I looked up and saw my dad standing there along with everyone else. They all had come to my room with worried looks on their faces.

They asked me what my dream was about and I told them. That this wasn't the first time we've defeated AFO. But the end result was Tanjiro's death and/or him becoming the new King of Demons. After he defeats and kills AFO. Everyone stared at me wondering if I was alright. They were worried about me.

Until Dad walked in and spoke. Asking me if I was alright, to which I nodded. He then asked how long have I been having this dream. I replied saying that I've been having them for as long as I can remember.

Then my dad said something that surprised everyone. But it made complete sense.

"You might be having what's called a Dream-Vision. They're rare, but not completely unheard of. In fact I've had my fair share of visions." Dad said, as he then explained what Dream-Visions were and what purpose they had.

"If I had to guess you're most likely being shown this vision over and over again, cuz you've got the power to change what's supposed to happen if you intervened in the Dream-Vision to help. You may be able to learn from what you've been doing and apply it to the real world. This will teach you on changing events to make it easier for those around you and those you care about. You can save Tanjiro from an unfair end. Making you a DV Fighter and DV reprogrammer." Dad said, I thought about it and immediately smiled and nodded.

He nodd and told me to get some rest. I asked if I could sleep with momma Inko and she said she was fine with it. Cuz after all tomorrow me, Katzumi, Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Amber were going to head out on our first mission together.

"Your right, Dad. I'll see what I will be able to do. The next time it happens." I said, he smiled and ruffled my head and gave me a hug goodnight.

Word Count 1085.

Updated on February 17th, 2024.

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