CHAPTER 4: Training

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If Deku Was Part Demon...

Deku's POV

"I see that you figure it out." I said, smiling at Amber.

"But I thought..." Tanjiro started to say.

"It isn't uncommon to have more than one Soulmate. I'm just lucky enough to have two soulmates, but I promise to treat them equally." I said, Tanjiro smiled at me.

"Also Tanjiro did you forget about the wish for your sisters?" I asked, Tanjiro's eyes widen realizing that he had indeed forgotten.

"Thanks for reminding me, Deku!" Tanjiro said, he then looked at his sisters.

Tanjiro's POV

Deku followed behind me as I walked back over to my sisters who were still sitting where they had been watching as Izuku train.

"Nezuko, Amber when I was at the final selection. After I finished killing a demon with Deku's help. We were met the spirits of Urokodaki's other appearances who had died in the final selection. They were grateful to us. Deku even allowed them to fight the demon again. As a sign of their gratitude. They gave me and Deku 1 wish each. I of course asked if they could change you back to human. They said that they couldn't." I said, looking at them. Nezuko and Amber lowered their heads in sadness.

"But..." They looked back up at me.

"They said that they could do the next best thing." I said, my sisters gave me a confused look.

"That being like Deku. Who is not fully human or fully demon. He is ⅓ Demon and is ⅔ Human. I'll have him explain everything." I said, Izuku then came up and sat down in front of them.

Deku's POV

"This is the closest thing to a cure for you two. The life of people like me is normal in a way. We don't need to eat humans. We can eat regular human food and eat other demons. Eating other demons is optional. I do it cuz my Blood Demon Art (BDA) is able to copy that demon's BDA. When I eat some of their flesh. My father had made five different academies around Japan they are known as Demon, Demon Slayer Crops (DDSC). Their names are U.A DDSC Academy..." I started explaining everything.

When I was finished I asked them.

"Do you want to be part demons like me?" I asked they looked at each other than back at me and Tanjiro.

"Mmmph!" They said, with a nod.

Tanjiro gave them each a Marble. They took them and crushed them in their hands. They were then wrapped up in mist. After a few minutes the mist disburse. To reveal both of them unconscious. I helped Tanjiro with carrying them back to Urokodaki's house. Tanjiro carried Nezuko and I carried Amber.

~Time Skip To 2 Weeks Later~

After Nezuko and Amber had woken up I started training them with Urokodaki's help. They did the same thing as Tanjiro had but 10x more difficult than his training was. Cuz they were ⅓ Demon.

I've been training Tanjiro in using Sun Breathing, but I noticed that it was slowly killing him. So I told him to take a break.

I then went to where Tanjiro had shown me where he met Sabito and Makomo. I then sat down in a meditation position. I then closed my eyes and entered the spirit rim. I saw Sabito sitting with Makomo.

If Deku Was Part Demon (Demon Slayers x MHA/BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now