It's scary as hell
You never know if the other feels the same
Or if they're going to suddenly leave
Leave you alone in the pain of a broken heart
Loving someone as if they were family
Could get you hurt just as bad
When they leave without warning
The knife they left digs and cuts deep
You are left feeling alone
Lost with out any warning of you leaving
I never knew that you were gonna leave
I thought you would stay
You made me think you would last
That you would be there for me
When everything crashed in around me
Caving in consuming me into the darkness
This is what love leads to
Darkenss that won't leave you
Won't shake away for longer than a week
Keeping me stuck in a place
Where real love can't reach me
That is what your so called love did
Make me feel an incredible high
Then push me off that mountain
And make me crumble into that rabbit hole
That is so hard to get out of
Hey so I have to read a love peom to my class on Valentines day so I was wondering if you could possibly hels me decide on what I should read. The next 2 will be candidates along with this on. So thanks !!!
Poems for school
RandomSo these peoms are the ones I have to write for school. I really would like some feedback on them so maybe before I turn them in I can make them better. I love peotry and so please enjoy the wide range of topics