Happy Birthday Alex

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So today you become a year older

Old enough to legally drink in Euroe

Old enough to get a drivers liscence

Old enough to go see an R rated movie

But yet you are still young

Too younge to vote

Too younge to drink here in the US

Too younge to go to a club

Too younge to rent a car

For all of things there is still something important


You are important

You make me laugh

You are incredibly smart

You make chemistry fun

You made doing theater a joy to come to

You have influenced so many lives

I can't even mention them all

With mine

I was still quite shy

You helped bringme out of my little bubble more

As you put it

"This is my last birthday before I'm an adult"

It is nothing but the truth

This year is something that you will never forget

Just like the past years

Every year has brought you closer

Closer to your destiny

A beautful person

Oh wait you already are

From your bright red hair

To your combat boots

Today is about you

I hope it is everything you wish for

I hope you were a princess

The world is that much better of a place

Because you are in it

Happy Birthday beautiful girl

I love you so much


hey so this is a poem I wrote for my good friend whose birthday it is today. I honestly hope she likes it. If she doesn't, I might cry, jk. Anyways I hope you guys like it. She's a friend from school so it does belong in this set of poems, for those who were wondering.

Love you all!!!!

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