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Sweet as candy 

Your lips smiling at me

The smoothness of melted chocolate

The sweetness of your smirks

(when you don't want to smile fully) 

Your as sweet as candy

When you make me laugh

When you tell a dirty joke

Or spill something on you

(like you always do)

You make me smile

Just like the candy we get on this day

You make me beileve that a person  

Can simply make you happy by doing something stupid

(like spilling tea on your shirt) 

Your sweetness  

When you listen when I'm upset

When you  let me vent

 The way you can talk to me

(About stuff that is difficult to say)

 You are all I need today

You are the candy of the day

How sweet you are

To someone who doesn't deserve it

(You make me feel like this could actually be a true friendship) 

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