A 'Reader's Point of View

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- ....Author-nim. Wouldn't it be okay, just one time?

- I mean, there are so many regression turns, so, just once wouldn't....

- Isn't it okay for him to be happy?

「This is not a happy ending.」

If his life didn't exist, if his failures didn't exist...

....Then none of us would have survived until now.

[(So, how did you all manage to survive??]]

And now, he was asking us.

[[Why, why is it not me, but you??]]


  I closed the book that I was reading because I couldn't stop my tears any longer.

As I was reading that specific part, I couldn't help but be moved by tears, as it was breaking my heart so much that I felt like all the air inside of me was now gone.

Why does he, the path he took in his life, affect me this much?

I can't help but wonder.

If I was that person, would I still be sane after all I would have gone through?

Will I be like him, and continue to live even if the path that he had to take was so cruel?

Or will I give up too easily at the start, so I will not need to experience all the things that will happen?

Yes, I know that my questions will never have an answer, unless this novel becomes reality and I become him..

–and that's impossible. It's never gonna happen, or will it be? Nah, I bet it won't.

I just shrugged that thought off and opened the book again, as my tears had already dried up.

But as soon as I opened the book, a blinding light had my vision covered and―

A 'Reader's Point Of View[Under Revision × Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now