Chapter 5

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He really has the guts to grab my neck. But why does this scene seem so familiar, except for that I was the one who was grabbing him by the neck? It's impossible, I'm just probably imagining things. I don't know why, but that thought just made me smile.

He looked at me with confusion visible on his face. Who wouldn't be right? Who's in their right mind, will smile while someone's holding their neck? He let go of me as soon as he saw me smiling. Damn, maybe he thinks that I'm just a weird person now.

He started collecting himself and calmed down. I hope I can too. I cleared my throat first and when I'm opening my mouth to say something, he cut me off again.

"Maybe we should all stick together for now. We're the only ones here. We don't know what danger could happen from now on." He looked at us one by one before he continued to talk.

"I won't force you to agree and to come with me, but I hope you put your trust in me, just this once. It's hard to just entrust your lives to someone you just met, but what can you do? Even if we do go our own ways, isn't it better to just stick together? At least until we see some other survivors, if there are. Can you ensure your safety if you're just alone? No, right? We still don't know what kind of dangers are out there to be a threat to our lives."

This damned guy really has his own way with his words. He won't force us, but he was already threatening us. But who wouldn't agree with that, aside from a little threat, all he said was all true. We can't ensure our safety alone. But for all I know, he just said all he wanted to say, and for sure he decided to do that because it would benefit him more in future scenarios. Damn this manipulative smartass; he already thought of all that in just a split of seconds.

Well, whatever, he could do all he wanted to do. As long as he agreed to be my companion, I wouldn't ask for more, nor would I hinder his plans.

But after all of that talk, all of them agreed except for that one mister. I looked at him and gave him a threatening glare while pretending to unsheath my sword. It's not like I know how to use this, but it's effective for scaring. Just like that guy said, this really is just for display.


Little did they know, there was one more person in the cabin next to them. It's been watching them, observing them, ever since the first scenario ended.

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