Chapter 2 (✓)

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By the looks of it, I can say that this is the scene from when the novel started.

The scene right here, right now, that's happening in front of my naked eye is exactly how it was described in the book.

This doesn't feel so real.

I am already expecting this to happen, so why am I still shocked to see all this?

I've prepared myself for this.
Brace yourself, self.
This is not a smooth ride.

This is not the time for backing out, because there is no way out.

The survival game is officially starting now, except that this isn't a game; this is reality.

But unlike everyone else, why is this guy in front of me not making a scene?

Did he also read the novel?

Oh well, maybe he's just a calm type of person.

Anyway, I do not have time to think about others too much.

I closed both of my eyes.
And kept on whispering,

"Keep calm, be calm."

to myself.

took a deep breath, and finally opened my eyes again.

Good, I got my composure back.

So now, I just have to follow what the protagonist did in the first scenario, right?

Thankfully, I still remember the content of the book like it was engraved inside my head.


If you ask me if this was easy, my answer would be, "Yes, this is bearable," because this isn't easy at all!

I've got to move too much, and I'm not a really athletic person, unlike the real one.

I'm so exhausted, even though I've done nothing yet.
I think I overdid my body from my small trip earlier. Too much for being so excited.

Ah, I regret it.

My body already can't handle this; what about what's to come from now on?

Sigh. I should've exercised more while waiting for this all to happen.

I know, I know.
I said I knew what to do.

Yes, I still do, but it was all just inside my head.
I don't think I have the right body or the right skills to make it a reality!


They're still so loud.
If I were you all, I would just sit still.
Don't make that creature angry, or-

And before I could even finish my thoughts, a lot of blood splattered and sprayed into the air.

It's the blood of all those who protested against the dokkaebi.

Finally, the cabin was filled with silence-a deafening silence.
No one dared to make a sound.
The subway became a bloodbath.


It's still progressing smoothly, just like how it was written.
They probably know by now that "the world they once knew is now gone."

And oh, it should've been out by now-Ding!

At that exact moment, a message suddenly rang out.

[#BI-7623 channel is open.]

[The constellations have entered.]

A small window emerged in front of everyone's blank eyes.

[The main scenario has arrived!]


[Main Scenario #1 - Proof of Value]

Category: Main

Difficulty. F

Clear Conditions: Kill one or more living things.

Time Limit: 30 minutes

Compensation: 300 coins

Failure: Death.


There we go.
The first main scenario. It is now time to save oneself.

A smile started to form in my mouth.

'Let's get started.'

I tried to crack my knuckles,

'It's now my turn to shine!'


one by one, starting from my thumb,
but I failed miserable.

Dang, it hurts.

I stopped doing it at once and looked around to see if anyone saw me, but then I caught someone else's pair of eyes staring at a child.


That guy-
Is he seriously looking at the kid?

What.. what is he doing?
Wait, is he planning on doing 'that', to that kid?

Does he only see the child as a mere sacrifice for his own survival?

A 'Reader's Point Of View[Under Revision × Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now