Author's Note

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Hello, it's me again.

It's been a while since I decided to revise this poorly made fanfic of mine.

It's been a year, I guess?

This totally left my mind, and I only remembered it a while ago.

And as you may have already guessed, I have not yet finished revising this.

There's some change from the prologue to Chapter 3(?) but that's it.

Tbh, that's the only part of this fic of mine that I really liked.

Ofc the last chapter and epilogue are included.

But the one's in between, idk how to change it.

Or what I should do to make it more informative and entertaining for you, fellow readers, to read.

That's all about it for now.
I humbly thank you all for reading this poorly written story of mine.

A 'Reader's Point Of View[Under Revision × Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now