7th Chapter - Game

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     "Um..." Ayame entered the room and there were already people there. That were Kawaii, Imouto, and also Ai.

     "H- Hi, Ayame-chan" greeted Y/n. Ayame then looked at them shyly. She actually wanted to sit next to Y/n, but... Kawaii and Ai already sat beside him.

    "H- Hi..." said Ayame.

    Ayame looked disappointed, she want to play with Y/n all day long, but looking at how many people were there, she was in doubt that she can even play with him.

    "Y/n~~ Let's play something," said Kawaii.

    "Um, wait you are too close Kawaii-chan." Y/n looked at Ayame. She was pouting while looking at them being lovey-dovey. Y/n felt guilty, he actually wanted to sit next to Ayame and cheer her up but... Both Kawaii and Ai were trying to approach him.

    "Onii-san, should we do something fun?" said Ai while holding Y/n's hand suddenly. Y/n tried to let the hand go, he also looked at Ayame and she was looking at them with a red face. But it's the different red face, it was so red because she was holding her anger.

    "U- Um, Ai-san. Can you let my hand please?"

    "Eh? Sigh. Alright, alright. Is it because your girlfriend will be mad?"

    "We are not dating," said Ayame while pouting. She looks so annoyed and that made Y/n so worried.

    "Well she is not talking about you, she is talking about me~ right Ai-chan? That is okay, I wouldn't be mad though~" said Kawaii while hugging Y/n's arm.

    "W- Wait, Kawaii-chan," 

    Imouto felt worried. She then came closer to Ayame and wants to cheer her up, "It's okay, Ayame-senpai, they are just teasing Onii-chan. That i-, Ayame-senpai?"

    All of the people there were shocked because Ayame suddenly gets up, Y/n looked scared and worried that she would be mad because of that. Ayame's face is also shown like that, she looks so mad looking at Y/n.

    "W- Wait, Ayame-chan. D- Don't... Uh?"

    The other people become more even shocked because Ayame becomes so bold. She walked towards Y/n and then sit on his lap. Not only that, but she was also leaning on his body while looking at Y/n.

    "Is this seat taken?" said her.

    Imouto tried to hold her laughter because she never thinks that she will be this bold. On the other hand, Kawaii and Ai got shocked by what she has done.

    Y/n smiled and patted her head, "The seat is yours, Ayame-chan"

    Ayame was blushing after Y/n patted her head. Ai then looked at them and tried to make another mess.

    "So, let's play a game~," said Ai. Ai then took out something from her bag. Imouto looked at her annoyed, 

   "Hey, what are you going to do, Ai-chan"

    "It's okay~ It's just a game."

     Ai then takes out her heart rate monitor and put it on Y/n's hand. "So, let's play a game. Someone who could make Y/n-onii-san's heart rate the highest will lose the game. All you have to do is only sit, and smile at him" said Ai. "And also Y/n- onii-san should give a reward to the winner, deal?"

    "W- Well, that was not a good idea," said, Y/n. 

    "That is a deal then~," said Ai.

    The first one is Imouto. But of course, nothing happened. Instead, the heart rate becomes lower and lower. Imouto then punched him in the guts. "Tch. Please be considerate of me, Idiot Onii-chan" 

Aya"mine" Nakiri: 2nd Year LoveWhere stories live. Discover now