9th Chapter - Possessive Girl

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     "Y/n, can you help me with this?" said, one of my seatmates. She asked me while handing a book over to me and pointed out a question. She only wanted to ask for help from me. But,

    "Um... Ayame-chan, aren't you too clingy?" She sat next to me and linked her arms with me. It is time to go home, but my seatmate wanted to ask something that is why I am still there.

   "No." said, Ayame-chan while looking at my seatmate. 

   She has been like this since some students from my class are always asking for help from me. Ever since I remembered my promise to Ayame-chan, I have always tried my best to become a proper person, so that in the future, Ayame-chan would never regret being with me.

   "Um, she only asked a couple of questions okay? You can wait for me outside,"

   But rather than hearing and doing what I asked, Ayame-chan hugged my arms even tighter and didn't want to let go. "N- No," she said.

    Her face looks bothered so much, that she didn't even look at me. It looks like she was daydreaming while pouting the whole time. 

    "Um, Y/n. Is she Ayame-san your girlfriend?" asked my seatmate.

    "Eh?" What is this question, why is she suddenly asking that kind of question. "I- It-"

   "NO!!" said, Ayame-chan. I kind of surprised when Ayame-chan answered that, she shouldn't say that excitedly like that, though. But well this is for the best because if there is a rumor about both of us, that is kinda frustrat-

    "I AM Y/N'S FUTURE WIFE!!" She suddenly corrects herself. I was surprised and looked at Ayame-chan. Her face looks serious, no... Dead serious. It looks like she wants to tell my seatmate that... "S- So, you can't have him. He is mine,"

    D- Did she just say that to her? She didn't even make a move on me, why is she suddenly like that? She isn't like Ayame-chan

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    D- Did she just say that to her? She didn't even make a move on me, why is she suddenly like that? She isn't like Ayame-chan.

   "Ahahah, Ayame-san, you are so funny." my seatmate burst out laughing that she cry because of that. "You are so possessive towards him, huh?" she said. After that, she closed her book for a while and talked with us for a moment,

   "So, Ayame-san. Do you like Y/n or not?"

   "Eh?" Ayame-chan's face suddenly became red, she also froze up and didn't answer her. "I- It is..."

   "Hm? Where is your confidence before, Ayame-san?"

   "I- I.."

   "You know, Ayame-san... Men don't like if women become possessive, but they don't even date or love the men themselves."

    Ayame froze up and after that, she looked me in the eye. Her eyes became teary and her face looked sad. "N- No... I am sorry," said, Ayame-chan. 

   "W- Wait, Ayame-chan. You shouldn't cry here, okay? What if someone saw you."

   She then grabbed my shirt tightly and snuggled herself onto me. "P- Please don't hate me," said, Ayame-chan. Looking at that, my seatmate laughed once again. 

Aya"mine" Nakiri: 2nd Year LoveWhere stories live. Discover now