Chapter 10

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It's been two months and I still have not told Olive about what happened to Roy. Oh God! "Oliver!" I ran to the bathroom and opened up the toilet seat. I threw up in it. This was the fifth time this week that I threw up. I've been eating a ton lately and my stomach has been growing. I've had my suspicions but I didn't tell Oliver anything. The last time we really did it, we used protection. That same day I did it with Roy and we didn't use protection. I swear if it is Roy's child I will cry.

"Felicity are you ok? I'm sorry I have to bring this up now, but Thea said the only way she will like me again is if we go to Paris tonight. I will have Rot stay here and watch you. I know he would do anything for you."

"He sure would."


"Nothing it was a joke. Ok I'll miss you. When is Roy coming over?"

"Any minute now I have to leave to pick up Thea I love you." He kissed me on the head and left.



I opened the door and Roy kissed me on the lips. He kissed me and we walked into my room. He has seemed different lately and I can't do it with him while I'm pregnant. "Roy we can't." I sag up.

"Why Felicity I thought you liked it?"

"I do but that's not the point. Roy jm pregnant and I think it's your baby."

"You can't be sure of that Felicity." He pushed me onto the bed and kissed me again. He wouldn't let me sit up he took off all of his clothes and he took off mine. I ouldnt get up. One of his hands was stretched over my arms and the other one was on my stomach. He was pushing down so I couldn't get up. It was like he was not letting me breath with his lips. I couldn't stop him. He didn't listen to me, and this can't be good for the baby. I don't know what happens but I know it can't be good.

The bed started rocking and I was nervous my neighbors would hear it.

He finally finished and he rolled off of me. "Wow that was great. You really got me there when you said you were pregnant. You think your funny."

"I'm not joking Roy." I went to the bathroom and took a pregnancy test. "Roy do you see this? This means I'm pregnant. It's yours because Oliver and I use protection."

"You were serious. Why didn't you say anything?!?!"

"I tried, but someone wouldn't let me!" I ran out of the room crying. I went on the couch, and Roy came out of the room. He didn't even have the desency to put on his shirt.

"I'm sorry Felicity. Lately what has happened between me and Thea changed me. I do have feelings for you its just I'm now a different person. I'm so sorry! I should have never done this to you. I'll try to be the same guy that I used to be."

"It ok Roy. If I have this baby I can't tell Oliver that it's yours, because I'm in love with him and we are getting married. I've started developing feelings for you. I can't bear the fact that I'm keeping this a secret from Oliver. Roy I'm also in love with you. Don't get me wrong. You are one of the sweetest guys I have ever met." I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back.

"Felicity I will help pay for the child, but if you keep it a secret from Oliver I want to be the godfather. I want to be able to see my child whenever I want. I know this is a big deal, but I care about you. I don't want you getting your feelings hurt, but I want to be in the child's life."

"That's fine Roy. Dont worry about the money Oliver is a billionaire. You still have your whole life ahead of you. You will meat the love of your life. You will fall in live and get married."

"Felicity I already have found the love of my life. It's you. I know your with Oliver, but if anything happens I will be waiting for you." He kissed me on the head. "I love you Felicity. I just wish I told you before Oliver did. I know I shouldn't say anything, but don't to think our child should be with its real father. And the mother should be married to the real father."

"I know. I love you, but I can't just leave Oliver. Out child should be with the real father. I should be married to the real father." I typed Oliver's phone number into my phone.

"Hey Oliver I need you to come back it's an emergency. I'm pregnant and we need to talk. Come home soon."


The door opened and it was Oliver. "Felicity this is great news!" He ran up to me and kissed me on the cheek. I started crying and Oliver looked at me. "Felicity what's wrong?"

"Oliver we can't be together. I can't do this anymore. I love you so much, but the baby isn't yours. It's Roy's. I want the xhild to be with its real father. That's right thing to do."

Oliver walked over to Roy. "You son of a b*tch! How dare you get my wife pregnant! You knew I loved her." Oliver punched Roy in the face.

"Oliver! Get out of my apartment right now! I will call the police!" Oliver pushed me onto the couch.

"How could you Felicity. After all we have been throug! Why didn't you just say no when I proposed to you?" Oliver left my apartment and slammed the door.

Roy stood up. "Felicity are you ok? I'm sorry I didmt think he would have reacted like that. I'm so sorry."

"What are you talking about? He punched you in the face. Let me get you some ice." I walked over to the fridge and opened up the freezer and got out a bag of frozen peas. "Roy I know this is a bad time to say this, but I love you. I can't stand watching you get hurt."

"It's fine Felicity I love you too. We've known each other for over two years now. I think I have bad timing, but Felicity will you marry me? You said our child should be with its father. I also am madly in love with you."

"Of course." He stood up and picked me up. We kissed and fell in love all over again.

Oliver and Felicity #ArrowWhere stories live. Discover now