Chapter 19~Just Jealousy

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My heart flutters immediately after I see this adorable angel who has been fogging my mind ever since I laid my eyes on her.

I smiled admiring her pretty face, she looks stunning and the sight of her makes me crave her more.

I gaze at her closely, wondering if she is here with her sister or friend, but I spot a guy with her.

What the heck?

I clenched my fist on my side and the rage of jealousy engulfed me.

I can't believe this!!

How can I just let this sweet angel, sweep away from me all because I didn't want to scare her away?

I am such an idiot!!

I now agree with Frederick that I'm one.

I walk to a table and crouch on the chair a soft sigh escapes from my mouth before running my hand through my hair.

So he has been her boyfriend along?

Is she in love with him?
All these thoughts are running through my mind at once.

Honestly, what is stopping me from asking Cassie out on a date before him?

Deep down I know the trust but I won't admit it.

I don't want to feel worse than I am feeling right now.

I shift those thoughts away and think about her pretty face, I don't know why my world feels like it's all crashing down all in the name of her.

I have never been disappointed, desperate, and upset over a woman before.

I need a distraction or maybe I could just leave this cafe.

Stop acting like a child and act like a man.


She is just two feet away in the hands of another man I already despise.

I watch them closely, she is grinning at something he just said and Gosh that smile is beautiful.

For the first time in my life, I wish to be in another person's shoes.

I am in big trouble!

Typically, it's the other way around.

Men wish to be in my shoes but here I am doing that same thing.

I never felt jealous of anyone before, I always had what I wanted.

Most especially the women, they constantly throw their selves at me and I love the attention.

It makes me feel special and the center of attraction.

My friends say I overdo it, but I always ignore them.

Right now, I feel like I lost a battle I never fought for.

It feels so surreal because I invariably do what I like with anything, especially women.

I hate it when a woman doesn't let me be, I hate it when she bugs me and wants to be a part of my life, like a partner, or girlfriend.

A typical example is Sabrina, I feel relieved she doesn't bug me anymore and comes to my house with no invitation.

This pisses me off and she knows it but she just does it intentionally.

I am happy she is out of my life, although I have another problem presently.

How will I get noticed by this beauty?

An idea pops into my head, I proceed with the plan.

I send for a waiter, and he comes to my table in haste and waits for my order.

"Hello, sir, what would you like to order please?" he gave me a friendly smile.

"I will like a vanilla ice cream cake and I want you to take it to that table where that beautiful angel is sitting with that guy and don't say I was the one that sent you to her okay?"I gaze at him.

"Okay sir, coming right up" he was about to leave but I stopped him.

"Hold on, could you get me a piece of paper and a pen?"

"Sure sir, anything else?" he implored.

"No, you can go"

I hope this works.

I write on the paper briefly, it says,

I hope you like it
It's nice to see you.
I know what I am doing is dumb, I could just walk to the table she is seated.

That is worse I can never do that.

Well, I will do anything to get her attention.

Now I am sounding desperate
God help me

I watch as the waiter strolls to their table.

She looks surprised and her boyfriend looks confused.

The waiter leaves to attend to another table.

I am watching her like a hawk, she meets my eyes for a second and then looks at the plate of chocolate cake.

She must have figured it out, of course, she will.

It was quite obvious anyway and I just feel like I did something very stupid.


I signaled for the waiter to come and I order Jeanette's favorite cookie.

I need to leave this place before I do something more stupid.

Fifteen minutes later, the waiter was back and I made payment then I stood up from the chair, I was about to turn but not before making eye contact with her.

I left the restaurant and got into my Benz, I went straight to my playlist and clicked on Poison by Jack Harlow.

I turn it on to the highest volume, I know I am acting like someone that just broke up with his girlfriend.

This is how I am feeling right now and the funny part is I am not dating her.

I called Frederick but it went to voicemail.

I sighed and left a voice note telling him we need to meet in our usual place.

When I got home I halted the engine and packed near my red Range Rover.

I grabbed what I bought and strolled to the front door where I access my fingerprints before entering the elevator.

My phone buzzes it is a call from Frederick, I pick it up.

"What's up men"

"Hey," my voice comings out lower than I excepted.

Gosh!!, who am I

"What's wrong?"He asked sounding concerned.

"You know who"

"Oooh men, what happened this time?"

"I don't want to say on the phone, let's meet in our usual place"

"Cool, see you soon"

"See you"

We hang up and I lean on the wall, thinking about her again.

I hope I am not too late.

A/N: Someone is Jealous?
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