Chapter 18~Dating Drips

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All the idea of me not going out today has been thrown out of the window.

Today I am off from my 'wonderful work' note the sarcasm.

Instead of watching Netflix or sleeping.

I am going out with a guy, not just any guy but a cute and sexy one.

Bravo Cassie

On my very first date, I could feel my nerves taking over. The process of finding the perfect outfit felt like a real struggle, but I couldn't wait to see how it would all come together.

I eventually gave up and informed Beverly about my date.

She was so excited, grinning widely and she danced for ten minutes.

Come to think of it she is more excited than I am.

I can't fathom why she's so elated. I highly doubt that the restaurant Harry's chosen for our date is a pricey one.

On the bright side, perhaps it's a blessing in disguise that we're not going to an upscale restaurant. This way, I can avoid any potential embarrassment or, worst of all, taking a tumble in front of Harry.

Okay okay, calm down Cassie.

I can get through this, it's just an ordinary date.

We agreed that Harry pick me up near Caligola, it's better that way I don't want him to know where I live not that I am ashamed of where I stay but I just don't want him to come and see me every other day because that is what will happen.

I know guys like him even if I have never dated anyone, I am just so observant.

Well, this is what I think and some part of me hopes I am wrong but I pushed that thought away and slipped into the bathroom.

I took my time in the bathtub, scrubbed my body with my new strawberry-scented body wash, and shaved my legs.

I washed my hair and conditioned it with my honey and coconut conditioner which smells so delicious, I bet Harry will fall in love with the smell.

When I was done, I wrapped my hair with a towel and tied my other towel around my body.

I pushed on the door and stood in front of the mirror, examining my hair while I dried it with the wet towel.

I dropped the towel around my waist immediately after the door opened, Beverly walked in with a scowl on her face.

"That's why you should knock Bel Gosh" I hiss.

"Beverly made a face"Oops, I am not sorry"

She rolled her eyes "But remember I am a woman too duh"

"Damn sis you have a killer shape, Harry wouldn't be able to resist you trust me" Beverly winked smiling widely.

"I am so flattered" I blushed.

"I am so happy for you, my little sis going on her first date"

I smiled and she gestured for me to sit down on the chair in front of my mirror.

"I am going to style your hair, sit and relax" she rubbed my shoulders.

"Do you remember when we were little and I would braid to hair, while you braid your doll's hair?" she beamed.

Laughter escapes from my lips" Yes, I remember".

"Now you are all grown up, looking beautiful as ever".

"Awww thank you, you are beautiful too " I looked at her in the mirror.

"Okay, I need to get ready" I declared.

"Alright, see ya" she winked before opening the door.

When the door was shut, I scrambled towards my bed and slipped on an off-shoulder yellow top, white mini skirt, and white wedges.

I applied lipgloss sprayed perfume and smoothened my skirt before grabbing my mini bag from its rack.

I rushed downstairs,  I got my driver's license, and I have never been happier.

Now I can drive to work, the mall. I can't wait.

I am saving money to buy my car but presently I will drive Beverly's car to where I will meet Harry.

I climb into the grey Honda scroll through Beverly's playlist and click on the first song.

Dancing on the seat till I got to where I was going.

Unlocking the car door, grabbed my mini bag and wore my sunglasses.

Harry will be here maybe twenty minutes so I will stay in the car and take pictures.

Melanie will be glad to receive all of them, she is going on a date with Percy tomorrow and is super excited, I on the other hand am very nervous on my first date.

I scroll through Instagram liking posts while waiting for Harry.

Fifteen minutes later a blue Jeep drives in and gazing at the driver's seat it's Harry.

I climb down from the car and lock up.

He comes down quickly and walks towards where I stood.

"Hey Sorry for"

"You are late, what took you so long I thought you wanted to ditch me, "I say flatly admiring his blue Jordan Air Force.

"I am so sorry, my car was messing up"

"It's okay" I sighed removing my sunshades.

"You look amazing"

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself"

We walked to the door of the cafe and he held it for me.

We settled down and soon ordered food.

I ordered broccoli and spaghetti with chicken and he ordered Chinese rice and crab.

After eating we talked about childhood and high school and he asked me about my course.

"So you want to become a nurse, nice I admire people from the medical field" he beamed men he is so cute with his nose ring.

Someone Help me !!

"You know I respect them so much" he declared.

"You know what Cassie, you are so beautiful" he stared at me briefly.

"Thank you, Harry"I smile

"How old are you?"


"Oh wow, that's surprising I thought you were 22"

"I know I get that a lot, I just look bigger than my age"

"How about you?"

"22" he replied sipping from his wine.

"Okay," I nodded.

I took a short survey around the restaurant until my eyes met his.

What is he doing here?

A/N: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

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