Chapter 45 | contact

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You both sat on the desk watching the taskforce, still debating weather or not to indirectly expose yourselves to them in order to push them closer to solving the case. That risk of a domino effect was making you both uneasy but with how long this case had dragged out you were both starting to think it might be worth it.

"Man I'm getting real sick of them dancing around the topic of light being Kira" you sighed.

"I know... maybe we should just confront them paranormal activity style" L replied.

"It's looking real temping. I'm just worried if it goes wrong Hypnos will be hurt by the Olympians again. After all he's done for us..."

"That's the only thing holding me back too. I'd feel responsible if he got hurt"

You groaned and leaned back against the wall, slouching into a pretzel.

"Man why did the underworld have to get into beef with the Olympians? Why did Zeus have to be a dick about things? Demeter being worried for Persephone I can understand, but Zeus just being a straight up manic and ripping Hypnos' wing off? What the fuck!? If he hadn't done this none of this drama would have happened and this case would be over so much quicker" you complained.

"I know... at least Dionysus and Hermes are cool about everything. But seriously why do the gods have to settle things with violence all the time?" L sighed.

If only that one drama didn't happen all those years ago. Things would be so much easier and you wouldn't have to sneak around so much. The underworld could work well with Olympus, they could team up to reel in the rowdy shinigami. And Hypnos would be a lot less traumatised.

So much trouble from that one action even thousands of years later...

"I love how the fates have been leaving us hints and help all this time and as soon as things get difficult they bounce" you complained.

"I'm getting real sick of they mysterious ways honestly. Are they on our side or not?" L replied.

Gods were benevolent creatures, and while sometime that meant something really amazing can happen because of them, a lot of the time I meant trouble. You were about done with the trouble aspect of it.

"Not to mention Lights bitchass making this whole mess happen in the first place. As I'd Olympus OR the underworld would accept him as a real god" L groaned.

You loved how any time light came up in conversation, all L's formal speech was thrown out the window and he sat there calling light every name in the book. From bitchass to mother fucking ass eating dick. You'd heard some very colourful language out of the usually pretty formally spoken detective when Light came up. It always made you snicker.

"He's probably shitting himself trying to figure out what to do now the book is gone. He's probably shunned Takada and is trying to figure out how to use Misa to his advantage since he can't do shit by himself apparently" you roasted.

"Oh he's absolutely panicking inside, I just know it" L replied.

The man in question was in the room with the taskforce pretending to help them, while Aizawa happened to be glaring at him in anger every so often from across the room. Although you did notice something had changed about the taskforces domineer.

Matsuda was hanging around with Aizawa now.

Usually he'd be pretty social and spend equal time with everyone, but he seemed to be matching Aizawas angry energy recently and glaring at light all the same as Aizawa.

"Hey darling?" You spoke up.

"Hm?" L replied.

"You think Matsuda has come to our side? Look at him. He's like... closer to Aizawa now"

L looked over, seeing that the two were on the other side of the room from everyone else. There was some tension in the air between them and Matsuda seemed to be throwing the same angry glares in lights direction.

"You know what... I think he has. I mean we can't say for sure until we hear it for ourselves but... it seems like it" L replied.

"Hopefully he has. It'd make our job easier" you replied.

You both got up to go watch the two closer, hoping to find that Matsuda had finally accepted Light was Kira. Looking over their shoulders you and L scanned over their documents and your relief and amusement, you weren't actually working.

They were messaging each other about how they would arrest Light. Bingo, one more on your side.

"Well, well, well..." you smirked.

"Looks like we have another one on our side now huh? About time. I'm guessing they're keeping quiet about it as to not cause drama and make the situation worse. But at least we have more power against Light now" L replied.

"Go Matsuda, actually using your brain for once"

You decided to keep spying on their text conversation hoping to see what they were planning, maybe you could work with them in some way. Although you were both a little confused when they went from complaining about light to something completely different.

Matsuda: did you just feel that? The temperature drop?

Aizawa: I did. They're here, watching us probably.

Matsuda: right behind us it feel like. It's cold back there.

You and L exchanged confused glances.

"Are they... talking about us?" You asked.

"The fact they noticed it's not just me... there's another person with me. That's..." he began.

"Wild? I know. How did they figure it out? Are they ghost believers or something?"

"I didn't think so but maybe after seeing a shinigami they're more willing to believe in the supernatural. I doubt they understand or know about the underworld but... they can definitely feel our presence"

Your conversation was stopped when you heard the sounds of a marker cap be pulled off with a click. And you turned to see what they were doing now.

Watching as Aizawa took a page from a notebook he began to write, only it was in Japanese so you couldn't understand it. L could though. One by one hiragana started to show up on the page as he wrote.


"What does it say?" You asked.

"They know... they absolutely know..." L replied.

"Yo I can't read hiragana what does it say?"

"Eru, anata wa soko ni imasu ka?... L, are you there?"

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