Chapter 46 | talk

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"Should we..?"

You glanced at L, wondering if it was worth the risk. This was the prefect chance, somehow they knew you were there and giving you the opportunity to talk to them.

"As soon as we mention the fates, we get the perfect opportunity..." he replied.

"I'll admit I'm a little worried of the consequences if things go wrong but, now is the perfect time"

At the end of the day it was L's decision. He was leading the case and Aizawa and Matsuda addressed him directly. Plus, you couldn't write in hiragana. If anyone was talking to them it'd be the one that's half Japanese.

"You know what, if things go wrong... I'll take full responsibility" L said, reaching over the shoulders of the two men and beginning to type on the keyboard.

Matsuda and Aizawas eyes widened as they watched the keyboard seemingly type itself, trying to keep their shock silent as to not alert the others.

L: I am here. It's best you keep this interaction silent.

The men looked at each other, shocked and rather exited in a way. They were communicating with the dead, they just had conformation of some kind of afterlife by having L talk to them through typing. Aizawa turned to the computer and began to type again.

Aizawa: excuse our shock. We didn't think that'd actually work, are you in the room with us?

L: right behind you.

You snickered when they turned to look behind them, but saw nothing. They'd probably assume you were ghost or spirits or something similar, having no idea what a shade was or how it worked. Matsuda reached for the keyboard to type next.

Matsuda: have you been watching us the whole time?

L: yes. For months now. I'm waiting for Light to be dealt with.

You could practically see the gears turning in their brains as they tried to wrap their heads around what was going on.

"I really hope this works and they just keep this little interaction silent" you sighed.

"I'll try to get that message across to them" L replied, watching them type.

Aizawa: are you stuck here because the case is unsolved?

L: I'm here to see it finish. I can leave if I choose, but I must see this through to the end. I cannot explain further.

The two police officers took turns with the keyboard to type out their replies and questions, you watched on intrigued.

Matsuda: you were right, Light is Kira. I'm sorry for not believing you before, you may still be alive if we did. But I'll make it up to you by making sure this case gets solved.

L: appreciated, I'm the one who found and took the other death note away. That's why the killings have slowed. He's left using only papers he's torn from the book, he'll probably run out soon enough. There's a girl at his university called Kyomi Takada, she was involved along with Misa as well.

Aizawa: we'll look into her, have her questioned. Is she dangerous?

L: not likely after the fight she and light had. I saw it all. I'd recommend striking a plea deal with the girls against Light to secure witness statements against him for conviction. Give Light a life sentence, and a deal with the girls for a slightly lesser one to secure the conviction. They aren't as dangerous as light is, and have killed less then him anyway. All of them are guilty, but to varying degrees.

Reading everything over their shoulders you were impressed with how well though out L had planned all this. Plea deals to secure conviction, turning the girls against him, giving the two that believe him extra evidence? All good ideas to push the case forward.

"Man they don't call you the world's greatest detective for nothing huh? You really thought ahead here" you complimented.

"You always have to be 10 steps ahead. Think of the trail the second you have a suspect" he replied.

"Ah, how I adore your smarts"

"It's my most attractive feature" he joked.

"Is definitely is" you smiled.

Intelligence was so attractive sometimes... how on Tartarus did you score this man?

Aizawa: that's probably the best option. We'll have it done. We just need to convince the other two of all this

L: Mogi will come around, he's smart. As for the Cheif, it's just taking him longer because light is his son. It'd obviously be hard for a father to accept their child is a killer. If he needs a little push, I have an idea. For now get Mogi on your side first, he's easier to convince.

Matsuda: what's your idea?

L: the death note that's in our custody has fingerprints all over it, you can't deny forensic evidence. Get those fingerprints and he can't deny any longer. He's the Cheif of police with a very strong sense of justice, once he sees that evidence he will come around. It'll be painful but he will.

Every time you thought about this case, the topic of Lights family came up. He had absolutely no regard for them, imagine what they gave to go through knowing their son is one of the worlds worst killers. They raised him on nothing but love and support, they made no parenting mistakes, light had by all means a normal childhood. And yet, they'll still probably blame themselves for the way he turned out. Unfortunately some people are just born evil, no motive, no trigger, no cause. They just... are.

"L we're gonna be snatched up by Styx in a few minutes, we've been up here all day" you reminded.

"Right, almost done..." he replied.

L: I can't talk much longer. But for now keep this interaction between us. I'm not exactly meant to let the living know the dead are still around. But I need this case solved.

Matsuda: wait, why not? Is there an afterlife or something?

L: I can't explain. You'll understand when you die too. Just keep it on the down-low.

Aizawa: understood. We'll make sure this gets solved.

L: thank you, I can rest easy knowing that.

"You think they'll listen and keep it silent?" You asked.

"They should, my only concern is Matsuda slipping up and letting that information out. Wouldn't be the first time he's slipped up, but hopefully he's learnt from that mistake" L replied.

There was one thing left the man had to ask, and they typed away one last note to L.

Matsuda: by the way, is there someone else here? We always feel like there's two sets of eyes on us.

L couldn't help but smile knowing that your presence was felt alongside his. He leaned over the keyboard one more time.

L: let's just say, I found someone in death I deeply care about. And they come with me wherever I go.

You didn't have time to see their reaction, because as soon as L typed that you were both hit with the jabbing pain and ghostly hands grabbing your ankles to drag you back to the underworld.

"Damnit why does it have to hurt?" L complained.

You snickered, he asked that every time. Seems like he'd never get used to the pain of being taken by Styx.

"Here we go again, race you to hades throne"

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