The office desk (part 2)

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The next day I got up and all the memories regarding yesterday's incident flashed in my mind her milky boobs uff! I just wanna touch them badly! Thinking about her, my hand went towards my south region and I stroked myself ah! I want my member inside her badly! I jerked off my thoughts when my phone rang, and a smirk appeared on my lips when I read the name on the screen. It was my dear little kitten. I picked up the call and spoke

"Good Morning Miss Mallika"

"G-good morning sir actually I called you because-"

"Ik you'll be late because of your mother who is in hospital don't worry today I'll not punish you"

"Th-thanks sir" was The only words she uttered before ending the call. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower huh! The shower turns on after watching me getting naked. Ah! Let it be. I never wear clothes when I'm at my home. The water droplets flowed down my muscular chest and this nasty thing reminded me of Mallika. Her hand is as pure as the water and her touch>>>> 

I jerked off my thoughts and took my soap made from neem leaves. I never use this soap but yesterday when those shitty things happened, at that time my little kitten scratched my chest and her nail marks are giving me a burning sensation. I rubbed the soap on my neck and I remembered how she snuggled in the crook of my neck. Further, I moved the soap down my chest and rubbed my palm over the area causing it to form foam all over my body. After applying the soap I washed the foam off my body...Applying beer shampoo, I did a little massage on my head which gave me relief. After somewhat 15 minutes, I was done with my bathing routine. I came out wrapping a towel around my waist, I put on my boxers, and then it was time for my plain red t-shirt. Basically, I wear this T-shirt just because red is Mallika's favourite plus she gifted me this T-shirt. I put on my ironed pants and then wore my chain. Pulling on the coat on my shoulders, I combed my hair and looked at my reflection in the mirror

Hmm, I look more handsome in straight hair Ah! Let it be. I applied some hair gel to set my hair and then sprayed my manly perfume which is Mallika's favourite ok now enough of Mallika puraan. I took my keys and drove to my office, stepping out from the out, I closed the door with my foot and then walked in. Getting into my cabin I started working on my laptop just when the intoxicating smell of her's hit my nostrils and the next thing gonna happen was-

*knock knock

I was correct huh
*smirks while stroking my zulfein

"Come in," I said and the door opened, revealing her beauty. Damn! She looks hot in her black shirt🤤

"Please sit down," I said, never taking my eyes off her

"Thank you, sir" She mumbled while sitting down

"So did you complete your presentat-" I was about to complete but a pair of soft lips covered mine, shutting my mouth. Did she just peck my lips?

"Sorry, but the presentation is not more important than my confession. I love you" She whispered while looking down, biting her lower lip. Ah! sexy

I smirked and got up, leaning on the desk. She too got up and hung her head down. I lifted her chin with my two fingers, hearing her soft moan. Fisting her hair, I pulled her face closer to mine and licked her lips

"Say that again" My other hand cupped her cheek and rubbed her lips with my thumb

"I-I love you," She said and immediately I crashed my lips upon hers, making her snap her eyes open in surprise. Ah! Fuck, man! Her lips are so soft and it feels so good. I kept kissing her passionately and we both unbuttoned our shirts. Lifting her straight, I pulled down the straps. Unhooking her bra, I placed her on the desk and pulled down her skirt. My goodness! She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen! I pulled her bra and threw it under my desk while kissing her neck, hearing her sweet moans

 My goodness! She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen! I pulled her bra and threw it under my desk while kissing her neck, hearing her sweet moans

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"Sumedh!" She cried out as I bit her soft skin. Wait- did she just call me Sumedh instead of Sir? Hell yeah!

"Say that again," I said while caressing my mark which was on her neck


"Fuck you!" I mentioned and crashed my lips upon her bosom, sucking them until they looked puffy. I bit her nipple and later sucked it hard due to which she literally cried out. Fuck, dude! I'm in love with her pleasurable moans😩leaving her breast red, I moved down and removed her panties.

"Damn! A fucking nasty pink pussy! Oh, man! I want this as my meal and I would surely eat this" Without giving her a chance to speak, I began kissing her pussy lips, causing her moans to get louder and louder. She scratched my back with her nails but I don't fucking care. I kept kissing and sucking her pussy and damn! She is so wet

"Fuck Sumedh!" She came all over my mouth with a scream. Ah! Delicious

"Ah, shit! Oh my-" She kept blabbering some words which doesn't make any sentence for sure as they were her moans

"Now be ready," I said and positioned myself at her entrance and within a minute our lowers were connected.

"Oh gosh! You're too big!" She whined.

"Ik baby," I said and gave her hard strokes. Feeling her walls tightening after 10 minutes, I understood that she was near so I just rubbed her clitoris and let her soak my dick with her sweet juices. Again I continued rough fucking her and this time, I was damn close so I just tried to pull my dick out but she stopped me and asked me to continue. After 5 minutes I came inside her and we both panted heavily. I saw the juices flowing down her thighs and smirked. Continuing our session for hours, we both broke our limits and after a week or 2 we got good news, believe me, it was actually good news for me as I am ready to take this responsibility. At first, she was thinking to abort as she had only her mother in her family and also her mother was unwell, she thought that having sex will leave her and she would be all alone with her mother and it will be difficult to handle her mother and my child without me but I consoled her and gave her assurance that I will be there with her forever. We both married each other and spend our lives together happily

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