That one couple every time

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"Lesgo!" Pranali said and hit the road. Everything was going well when Harshad's expression changed. He scrunched his nose and his eyes widened. His Adam's apple moved as he gulped down and wiped his sweat because a nasty conversation hit his eardrums.

"You've got to pay for what you did now be a good girl and don't be too loud"

"AHHHHHhhhhhhhh" Harshad's scream turned silent as he bit his fingers and clutched Shivangi's thigh. 

"PERVERT YOU-" Shivangi exclaimed and looked at Harshad's side to witness Sumedh clutching Mallika's ass.

"Oh my god!" She said and covered her face.

"Exactly!" Harshad whispered.

"You really need a good punishment" Sumedh smirked while drawing patterns on Mallika's thigh. She flinched and dropped her head on his shoulder.

"My pleasure, SIR" She whispered while biting his earlobe. He smirked wider and spanked her and the voice got everyone's attention. Pranali's eyes widened but she focused on driving with a straight face meanwhile Lakshya looked behind just to find Harshad joining his hands and Shivangi covering her ears.

"Ah" Mallika moaned and Pranali was like:-

"Ah" Mallika moaned and Pranali was like:-

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"P-Pranu I-"

"NO WORDS LAKSHYA!" Pranali exclaimed with a funny squeaky voice and continued driving. Meanwhile, in the backseat, Sumedh's fingers trailed up her upper thigh.

"Take off those panties" He whispered huskily.

"Great of you to think I'm having them on" She replied boldly.

"Fuck" He whined as his erection grew.

"Fuck-" Harshad cried meanwhile, Pranali- :)

"You're so fucked rn" Sumedh whimpered and touched her clit when she trembled.

"Fuck, Sumedh" Mallika whimpered and clutched his collars.

"You're so wet, baby" He whispered and rubbed her clit while she moaned.

"Ohhh yeaahhhh" He grunted and stuck in a finger when she moaned louder and bit his neck.

"Oh Sumedhhh" She moaned slowly.

"Yes baby" He groaned and started moving his finger.

"PRANALI STOP IT I'LL CRY!" Lakshya exclaimed.

"Holi kab hai? Kab hai holi?" She said and continued driving. Bro in sadma fr

"Ah-haah oh huh" Mallika breathed heavily as Sumedh's thumb caressed her clit. He pressed his lips on her bare neck and she almost jumped on his lap.

"S-Sumedh n-no please no n-neck kisses! It makes me w-weak" She mumbled.

"A bonus for me," He chuckled and kissed her neck.

"S-Sum- OH FUCK" Mallika moaned and rolled her eyes as he added another finger inside her.

"You're so wet, darling" Sumedh said and bit her earlobe. His fingers twisted inside her, hitting the perfect spots as the liquid gathered on her opening. Her vulva contracted as he tried pulling his fingers out. Sumedh gripped her waist tightly and pulled his fingers out.

"Look how wet you're for me" He smirked, showing his fingers to her. She blushed and hid her face in the crook of his neck. He again stuck in his fingers, this time, swiftly. Mallika moaned loudly and gripped his collar tighter. He groaned and pulled out his fingers a little, again pushing them in.






And so on. His fingers moved rhythmically and her moans matched his pace. She jumped, shivered and flinched on his lap at his every bold action. Her thighs trembled as the orgasm hit her. She bit his neck harder to muffle her moan but they moaned/groaned together, making the steam fill the entire car.

"Oh gosh- Sumedh!" She panted heavily when he smashed his lips on hers while caressing her inner walls with his fingers. He pulled out his fingers and rubbed her clitoris. She shivered when his other hand rubbed her back. Sumedh pulled down his zipper and placed her exactly on his cock when she gasped. He gripped her hips and rubbed their parts steadily. Mallika was a moaning mess as their bare parts rubbing together sent currents down her spine. He lifted her up and entered inside her desperately when she cried out loud. Sumedh groaned too as his cock throbbed inside her pussy. Sumedh spanked her and bobbed her on his dick as Pranali drove too fast, their speed simultaneously matched the car's pace.

"Fuck Sumedh, aah-ahhhh AHHHH" Mallika whimpered as his pierced tip hit her cervix.

"YOU'RE PIERCED!?" She exclaimed when he smirked while pecking her lips.


"OH GOD!" She rolled her eyes. He moved her faster as she lolled her head back and struggled to breathe. It was a moment when she wanted to moan out loud but the words stuck in her throat as the oxygen left the chat-

(My writing skills<<<<<<<<<<<<<)

Sumedh gripped her hair and pulled her back, biting her neck while poking his finger in her butthole.

"N-Nononono not ther- AHHHHHH" She yelped as he pushed his finger in her but hole and penetrated her from both ways. Mallika moaned his name till she forgot hers and she came for the nth time. Sumedh increased his speed as his balls tightened.

"HOLY SHIT!" He groaned and went deeper inside her just to spill his seeds deep inside her.

"HOLY SHIT!" The other 4 exclaimed as the couple ended their hot make out.

"Focus on your business bitches!" Sumedh said while adjusting his pants. Mallika adjusted her dress and hid her face in the crook of his neck, blushing hard.

"Y-yeah I was the most unbothered person you gotta ask these 3 about it," Pranali said and chuckled nervously.

"I FUCKING DIED!" Harshad and Lakshya exclaimed.

"My innocence is gone!" Shivangi exclaimed.


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