Newly Married🌝

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So today is the nuptial night and I'm damn horny! I passed by my wife's room and heard some voices.

"Let him do whatever he wants just stay silent and obey him because now he is your husband." Mallika's friend, Pranali mentioned.

"Y-yes" Mallika mumbled.

"And yes, it will pain as you're a virgin but don't cry like a baby otherwise he'll feel weird," Shivangi, Mallika's close friend said.

"O-ok" Mallika whispered while playing with her blue net saree.

"And listen! Act like you are under his spells, if you are not and if you are, then moan as louder as you can. Don't control your moans he does have a soundproof room!" Pranali said. Hmm smart

"B-but why would I moan loudly?" My curious kitten asked.

"Because a male turns on by his girl's moans so keep that in mind," Shivangi said.


"Sister-in-law!" Siddhi, my sister entered the room from the other side while calling my wife.

"Y-yes Siddhi, what happened?"

"Brother might be waiting for you. It's already 12:35 now don't waste time go!" Siddhi said and began dragging Mallika into my room meanwhile I opened the three(useless)buttons of my shirt. I saw my reflection in the mirror and smirked. Hmm, I am hawtttt ok now enough of self-praising let's go! I entered the room and heard the sound of her anklets as she pulled her legs close to her chest while sitting on the bed. I went beside her and held her chin, making eye contact, I leaned closer and observed her reaction. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly meanwhile she was shivering slightly. Her cheeks turned red and her eyes shut tightly as our breath mingled. Her lips parted and her pulse rate became high. I slowly moved my hand down her shoulders and gripped her soft hand which was clutching the damn fucking heart-printed bedsheet. She slightly flinched and turned her head to the left side while gulping. I kept her hands on my chest and moved closer, nuzzling her neck which made her wriggle. Is she uncomfortable? Hell no! She is nervous I guess. Yes! She is. I gently held her chin and made her look towards me.

"Don't worry I'm not kind of pervert. If you're not comfortable then we can skip this" Really? I said while keeping a stone in my heart but my lips curved into a smile when I heard her next sentence.

"Y-you're my husband and you have full rights to me. C-claim m-me" She said and looked into my eyes. I smirked and she lowered her eyelashes, biting her lips, she blushed hard.

"Do you know how beautiful you look when you are blushing" I whispered huskily while tugging one of the hair strands behind her ear. She blushed even harder and hid her face with her palms. I gripped her palms and removed them from her face. Come on! I wanna stare at my baby. Making her lay down on the bed, I hovered over her and placed a tender kiss on her sharp jawline which was damn sexy! She arched her back and moaned slowly as I kissed her neck. Her breath got uneven as the heat was increasing between us. Kissing her collarbone, my hands removed the knot of her violet blouse and slid it downwards.

"Ah..hhh!" She moaned, this time louder as I moved my fingertips on her milky, bare waist, rubbing her navel.

Sucking her collarbone, My tongue moved further between the gorgeous folds of her breast called cleavage. I sucked her cleavage, hearing my name from her which made me even hornier. Suddenly, I felt something soft touching my chest and then noticed that her feather-soft fingers were unbuttoning my shirt. I removed her blouse and threw it somewhere, leaving her only in her bra and damn! She is looking damn sexy! Her toes curled and she bit her lips, turning her head to the side while clutching the bedsheets. I pulled her soft, pulpy lower lip which was between her teeth and whispered huskily.

"Don't do that! It's my duty" I said, making her eyes snap open and before she could react, I attached my lips to hers and kissed her while fondling her breast, making her moan inside my mouth. After a few seconds, I parted a little and again pecked her lips. She gripped my collars and pulled me for a long, french kiss. She is getting horny too. I gripped her neck and flipped my tongue inside her mouth, our tongues colliding against each other. When she was busy kissing me, I unclasped her bra and threw it beside her blouse. Separating from the kiss, I saw her big milky bosoms which made me lick my lips. Her pink erected nipple was inviting me and I lost my control. I grabbed her bosom in my fist and put her hard nipple into my mouth. Damn! It's so smooth👀just like butter👻

"Ahh uh-oh yeahhhhhh" She moaned and I sucked her nipple harder, getting satisfied, I left it with a 'pop' sound. I looked at her face which was sweaty and her mouth which was open, wanting a kiss. I leaned closer and pulled her upper lip between my lips, this time I kissed her softly and she too ruffled my curls, pulling me closer. I removed the fabric which was hiding her curves, making her fully naked. My palm cupped her clean shaved pussy, making her tremble under my touch. My palm slowly moved up and then down, the loop continued until she started moaning inside my mouth, begging for mercy. I smirked mentally and rubbed her pink clitoris with my middle finger, making her wriggle. She dug her nails inside my chest and tried to clench her thighs but I used my free hand and spread her legs. I pushed my middle finger inside her cunt not before rubbing her wet opening. Her jawline clenched and she initially cried inside my mouth but broke the kiss and moaned loudly, panting heavily while arching her back.

"You like that huh?" I asked while struggling for moving my finger as she was damn tight!

"Y-yes oh shit" She cried out of pleasure as I licked her clitoris and moved my finger in and out. Her moans increased as my tongue played with her clitoris and fingers sent her to heaven. Her eyes rolled back as she came all over my fingers with a scream.

"Ah! Delicious" I said after licking her sweet juices. I looked up just to find her panting heavily while moaning my name. I unbuckled my belt along with unzipping my pants. Hovering over her again, I rubbed my dick across her clitoris making her hiss. She held my shoulders for support and trembled badly as her first orgasm made her feel weak. Don't worry bae I will make you cum again and again. I pushed the tip of my member inside her hot, wet cunt and groaned as she almost screamed and scratched my shoulders. Tears brimmed in her eyes as I felt some sticky liquid covering my dick with a very odd smell. I looked down and noticed blood. Oh, fuck! Her hole was so small or else I can say that my dick was very big which made her bleed. I pressed my lips on her forehead and tried to console her.

"Just relax. The pain will be replaced by pleasure" I whispered and slowly pushed my entire length inside her at which she clutched my shoulders and a sob left her mouth. I supported her back with my palm as she was half laying on the bed with her upper body in the air and her ass stuck to the bed. I pulled my dick out and again pushed it in making her legs tremble. After struggling for minutes or two, her inner walls loosened a bit, making it easy for me to move. I moved in and out of her, hitting her inner walls tightly, which made her create a moaning mess. Her stomach was turning and her legs were getting weaker as she was totally under my spells. Her moans started getting louder as the pain went away and was replaced with pleasure. Increasing my speed, I groaned and left a hickey on her neck, making the skin turn red-purple. I stilled for a moment as her inner walls tightened. Is she okay?

"Ah! My inner walls are...throbbing" This Means she is gonna cum. Alright, no problem. I rubbed her clitoris and moved at a fast pace which made her cum within a second. Her second orgasm made her extremely weak and when I removed my hand from her back, she fell on the bed, breathing heavily. Her forehead was filled with sweat beads and her body was trembling, this time goosebumps too spread across her fragile body. My dick twitched inside her as I felt my upcoming release. I started giving her hard strokes and after somewhat 10 minutes, I spilt my seeds inside her and pulled my dick out which was covered with our love juices. Our sweet liquids overloaded her small hole and half of the liquid fell on the mattress. I slumped beside her and held her close to me, rubbing her back to make her calm. She kept panting for oxygen and her moans never stopped. I wiped the sweat beads off her forehead and pulled her over me, caressing her lower back gently as girls feel back pain after having sex for the first time. I massaged her scalp, hearing a sigh from her. I smiled as she slept within a minute and cuddled with me like a small baby! Aww🥺I love my kiddo😭😭😭😭Ok let it be😌I'm feeling sleepy so good night!😪


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