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The warmth of this house has seemed to decay in time; now just a cold reflection of what it was. Dead skin of years past dances in the afternoon light as it beams through the windows of the dark living room. Each warm ray pierces through the shadows, shaping the furniture in glowing outlines.

One could find it hard to imagine that there was a time when this felt like a home.

His parents' divorce hadn't come as unexpectedly as they might have arrogantly hoped.

In a toxic home, the child doesn't just feel the aftermath of their parent's hatred for one another; they're often considered the cause by those parents. His father's protective mentality never stretched further than his expectations of Michael. The weight of his worth has always relied heavily on whether or not he was doing what was asked of him and how properly he was doing it.

Needless to say, Michael felt like a constant disappointment, but under those circumstances, what kid wouldn't?

Though odd, he finds comfort in her nicotine-induced solitaire coma.

It's better than listening to two adults constantly fighting.

MICHAEL: (calling out) "Hey, I'm home."

No response.

As usual, her attention is fixated on the stained cards of her game and the irritating voice of the anchor on Channel Three News.

He waits.

And still, nothing.

Not even a glance.

With a loud sigh, he admits defeat and retreats to his bedroom.

With a loud sigh, he admits defeat and retreats to his bedroom

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The restlessness of the day pours out of him as he collapses to the bed.


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