Mother Knows Best ~ Luke

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Context - Touring in 2014, and Luke's mum (Queen Liz) is joining them to keep them in line.

Mikey grabbed the ledge of Luke's bunk, pushing up on his tippy toes to rest his chin on the bed, looking over at the teen all bundled up in his hoodie and sweats. Quite comfortable, facing the wall.

"Luke...Luke, are you alright Mate?" Michael asked as he lightly shook up his youngest band-mate's shoulder, in the hopes that he would respond.

Luke didn't budge, nor did he say a word.

"If you're still sleeping, then you're doing great! But if you're not then maybe think about getting some breakfast because we have that interview soon. Get a wiggle on." He followed up, even giving the boy a light slap on the ass for good measure.

Luke wasn't really sleeping, he was dozey, and not feeling himself.

He had a tummy-ache and just wanted to be left alone to deal with it.

On top of all this, he had a bad night sleep stressing about the interview they had today, that's when he started to feel fragile.

"These cornflakes are unbelievable." Ashton declared as he munched his morning cereal.

"We get it, you saw Rodrick Rules again last night." Calum said as he rolled his head back, Ashton just seemed to be in too much of a good mood for an interview day.

"Rodrick is my hero and a true inspiration, deal with it." Ash replied.

"You have three inspirations on tour with you, right here." Calum pointed out.

"Seriously, if that guy is your inspiration then I don't know what to think." Michael said as he pointed to the lump of blankets that seemed to be breathing in the bunks.

"Oh that Lazy Bum? No way." Ashton chuckled.

But when the laughter died down, and almost an hour goes by, the boys start to get really worried.

Ashton tries to talk to Luke.

"Oh Lukey Poodles!" He sang into his ear, Luke shivered a little as he felt his breath uncomfortably hit his skin.

"Let's Carpe Diem!"

"Go fishing?" Luke mumbled confused, his voice was all groggy from sleeping. And embarrassingly didn't know what 'Carpe Diem' meant.

"Seize the day! Come on, we've got that very important interview today, get dressed." Ashton told him, but Luke whined and curled up tighter.

"Nooo! Go away." Luke whimpered sadly, cradling his poor little stomach as it continued to hurt.

"Calum, back me up here. Lukey Poodles isn't co-operating!" Ashton said as he called over their next resort.

"Come on, Mate. We have to get ready." Calum replied, calling from the kitchen.

"Nuh-uh." Luke said, wanting to pull the curtains shut but that wouldn't have done much.

"Luke, stop being a dick. What's up?" Ashton said as he kept jabbing the boy in the ribs.

"I don't feel good okay, just leave me alone!" Luke finally let out, feeling like crying as he buried his face into the pillow. He would say no more.

After that outburst from Luke, the guys didn't know what to do. But they needn't worry for much longer as their Tour Mum, coincidentally Luke's Mum, entered the tour bus.

"G'day boys." Liz said as she greeted them, she had just popped over to the rest-stop café for coffee and wifi to contact the family back home.

"Oh thank fuck you're back! Apologies for my language, Liz, but you need to talk to your son." Calum said, pointing to the bunks.

"Why isn't he dressed yet? You have your interview in a couple hours." She asked.

"We don't know, he said he didn't feel well but he hasn't spoke since." Ashton replied.

"We've heard him crying." Mikey whispered into Liz's ear.

"I see. I'll go sort him out, how about you guys go play your xbox or something? Give us some privacy." Liz suggested, she had an idea of what was going on with her son.

"Sure thing, take your time." Michael said as they all headed to the back of the bus, closing the door behind them.

Luke knew what was coming so he rolled over to face his mum, letting a tear run down his cheek as he felt a little embarrassed.

"Aww Darling, it's okay." She said as she walked over to his bunk, luckily she was the perfect height to kiss his forehead.

"What's the matter, huh?" She asked him.

"It's just my tummy." Luke mumbled, sniffling with teary eyes. He should have seen this coming, and he felt guilty that his mother had to be the one to make it better.

"I'm sorry." He cried.

Liz just caressed his cheek as she shushed him, calming him down.

"You don't have to be sorry, Love. But do you know why you feel this way?" She asked him, Luke used to get in this state before a test or a gig, and he thought he was getting better at managing his symptoms.

"Yeah...I just didn't want to feel like this on tour, you know?" The boy explained, his got anxious about these things. Even anxious about becoming anxious apparently.

"I understand, Sweetie." Liz said, letting Luke cry it out for a minute or two.

"I'll make a deal with you, if you get dressed for your interview then I'll get you a hot water bottle. I don't want management to get mad at you." Liz suggested to Luke. It seemed fair.

Luke nodded, hot water bottles always made him feel better when he had stomachaches, and deep down he knew that he needed to do his job.

The world doesn't stop just because Luke Hemmings has an ickle tummy-ache, but he knew that he would feel much better after the interview. Back to the grind I guess!

He climbed down from his bunk and changed into something comfy casual, not liked he just rolled out of bed, which helped to boost his mood. Less grumpy if you know what I mean.

"Here you go, now try to relax and you'll be fine. I promise." Liz said as she handed over the warm hot water bottle, with a fluffy penguin cover, to her son.

Luke held it to his belly and let the warmth ease the pain.

"Thanks Mum, love you." He said as he cuddled into her, she wrapped her arms around his back and squeezed.

"I love you too, now go see your friends." She said, slapping his ass towards the back of the bus.

Did Luke just have a very slap-able ass or something?

Luke slumped down next to Calum on the sofa, they were in the middle of a very intense Mario Kart game.

"Sorry for being grumpy earlier, I just get tummy-aches when I'm anxious." Luke apologised, even blushing a little, he didn't know why this felt embarrassing.

"That's OK, Luke. We just like to know you're ok." Mikey replied, playfully kicking Luke's leg.

"Could be worse, you could get the shits. That would suck ass!" Ashton joked.

"You would know, you fucking destroyed the toilet the other night, we could have died." Calum said, he was still scarred. But everyone laughed.

Luke managed to get through the interview smoothly, and feeling all the better for it too. And the more interviews and events they did, the less anxious he became.

But his Mum was the real hero of this story, because Luke forgot to pack his hot water bottle in the first place!

Thank the Lord for hot water bottles x

Hope you guys liked that even though it was a bit short, if you guys have any requests leave them in the comments 😉

I saw 5sos during their Take My Hand Tour in Plymouth and it was an incredible night!

I'm actually considering writing a 5SOS and Peter Parker crossover between both books if that tickles your fancy? Xx

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