Easy Sneezy Lemon Squeezey ~ CALM

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Requested by: Summerloveslarry

I started writing this straight after ONO and I am still emotional, it was so amazing, I especially loved Teeth with the orchestra and don't get me started on Older!




"Bless you!"



"Bless you!"



"Bless you!"

"Cal, I think you've blessed Luke enough now." Michael huffed with frustration as he leaned back into his special music producer chair. Their fifth album was in the works at Joshua Tree but someone kept sneezing into the microphone.

"Mhm sorry." Luke mumbles as he pulls out a tissue from his pocket and violently blows his nose, into the microphone, and everyone could hear all the snot and bogies coming out of his nasal passages.

"Yuck!" Ashton grimaced as he turned the volume down on the monitor.

"Mate, if you're getting sick maybe you should take a couple days rest. Because right now all I have is recordings of you sneezing. That's not what we want our sound to be." Michael suggested.

"Five Seconds of Cold and Flu Season." Calum giggled to himself.

"I just have a runny nose *sniffles*, I'm fine." Luke insists despite his head feeling so heavy and packed with thick green mucus. He sounded pretty terrible.

Yes, he did have a runny nose...and his head hurt, possibly a fever...and his throat felt like sandpaper but that's probably just the desert air making him dry right?

"Ok, try that again." Michael says as he sets up the sound.

Luke goes to sing again but his nose feels tingly, his breath hitches and he can feel a sneeze coming. Calum gave Ashton a glance of 'he's gonna blow!'.

"A-TISSUE" Luke sneezed, loud but kinda dainty like a kitten which was a weird combination.

"That's it, out of the booth!" Michael commands him, Luke sighs and slowly heads out into the studio where everyone saw his sorry state, recording in his pyjamas and hoodie in the middle of the desert!

Michael stands and and walks over to the sick boy, lays his hand on his forehead, it was unnaturally warm and his touch alone made Luke shiver.

"Yep, you're sick. Go to bed." Michael snaps as he points to the door.

"But Michael-" Luke whines as he feels useless but Michael immediately cut him off.

"No if, buts, or coconuts. Park your caboose in your bed right now. And if you're good we'll make you some dinner." Michael told him in a much more friendly tone, rubbing Luke's shoulder.

"Mhm ok." Luke huffed as he reluctantly made his way to his bedroom, as much as he felt sick he wanted to be in the studio helping out. He was so excited for 5sos5 and his creative juices were overflowing but it looks like his body wouldn't keep up.

The sicko lies down in bed and shivers under the covers feeling pretty sorry for himself, he misses home, he missed Petunia and Sierra. And now this illness may set them back a few days.

"Knock knock." Ashton sings as he poked his head around the door, Luke looks up from his pillow and smiles when he sees Ash there.

"How's your schnoz?" Ashton asked as he sits on the edge of the bed.

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