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As we left off, Revy and (YN) were now alone together, sitting down, and yet Revy not even wanting to make eye contact with (YN)....and as for him...he wants to talk about their past...and ending this for good...

(YN): Revy...we gotta talk.

Revy: ...

(YN): Listen, about back then...*sighs* Look-

Revy: Don't.

(YN): Rev-

Revy: I said don't damn it! Don't wanna talk about it, nor wanna even remember it!

(YN): ...You know, you could at least thank me and Rock for not having sister Yolanda's church turn into a bloodbath. Just like the old hag said...can't solve anything with just a gun.

Revy: ...You better watch that mouth of yours (YN).

(YN): You've been like this ever since I came back...and yet here I wanna talk make up our past, and yet you still hold grief into it.

Revy: Hmph. Who cares?! I said I don't wanna talk about it ever!

(YN): Revy....are you really scared to show any emotions? Towards me off course?

Revy slightly gasps and to slowly look at (YN)...and then to give an upset look again..

Revy: ....Look why don't you just shut up already will ya? Besides...why did you even bother coming-

(YN) had enough, so he grunts and to then punch the table and to stand up afterwards, startling everyone around them, and Revy of course...

(YN): God damn it Rev!! Will you just talk to me already?! Ignoring each other won't do our job good! So do me a fucking favor and listen to me for one fucking minute!

Revy then slowly stood up...and to then approach to (YN) slowly, holding her gun on her scabbard...

Revy: Thats a just stepped on a non-negotiable big ass fucking land mine.

She then preps her gun ready, and to aim it towards (YN)'s head, which startled everyone around and to run away...

Revy: Like I said, a real shame. So I have one last thing I gotta ask you...what do you want on your tombstone, cocksucker.

(YN): ....Why'd don't you write "Any weapon to use a situation , will not cure at all"

Revy: ...Well, goodbye...see ya, "partner"

(YN) stood there, having the gun pouting at his face, and Revy ready to shoot him....and (YN) notices Revy trembling a little and yet took her long to shoot him....and as she does, (YN) quickly moves the gun away, and shooting the other way, and Revy missed...

Revy: ...!!

(YN): ...You hesitated a little, and like I said...some problems you can't even solve with one simple ass gun.

(YN) snatches the gun off Revy's hand, and tossing it away...

Revy: Nrgh! You bastard-

(YN) grabs Revy by her shirt, and pulling her towards his face...

(YN): Shut up! The names (YN) for you god damn it! And you better get get it in that thick skull of yours, got it?! Fuck! I had enough with your bullshit Rebecca! You think I'll be sticking my face kissing your ass my entire life?! What kind of sick joke is that?!

Revy: Nrgh! You fucking arrogant Motherfucker-

(YN) Headbutts Revy and still holding her...

(YN): It's (YN) Damn it! And arrogant?! Who the bell you're calling arrogant?! Why don't don't you take a damn look at yourself?! Aren't you suppose to be some kind of outlaw?! A wild pirate?! But as soon you open that damn mouth of yours, all I hear is money money money! You think your some bad bitch villain after the big prize! But you end up scavenging off corpses instead! Are you really that pathetic of how greedy you can be?! Don't you even have any pride in you-

Black Lagoon:Cold Black Hearts(Revy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now