Chp.6 The "Cargo"

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Few days later, things between Revy and (YN) are settled good, and are now back in business and working like one day,  Dutch and them started collecting weapons from other shipments, and yet also collecting a cargo this "Cargo" is different, it's not a thing, it's more like....a kid...which Rock wasn't feeling it, and talks about it to Dutch on the mic..

Rock: Uh, hey Dutch?

Dutch: Yeah??

Rock: Are you sure this is the cargo we are collecting???

Dutch: Yea, don't worry about it Rocky boy, just have them folks have you on the crane to put you and the goods down here.

Rock: Got it.

Then, Revy and (YN) appeared with Dutch...

Revy: So, the troublemaker use of himself Eh? On second thought, nothing has changed about him.

(YN): Yeah, no kidding, only useful about him is that white collar of his, makes him perfect for this job.

Revy: So far he hasn't fucked anything up, that's a relief, say Dutch, don't say he's worried about that Cargo we're delivering?

Dutch: Looks that way.

Revy: Heh, what a wuss.

(YN): We're only running the cartel's little errand that's all. So what's the big deal?

And so, Rock appears in the room...

Rock: So, I counted all the crates we got and all of them seem fine. And...I also brought the cargo with me....are you sure he's it?

This Cargo Rock has brought with him happens to be a boy, a teen boy...

Dutch: Once we arrive at Hakiei, we're handing him over some buyer designated by the Colombian Mafia

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Dutch: Once we arrive at Hakiei, we're handing him over some buyer designated by the Colombian Mafia. Revy, put him on the cabin for now.

Revy: Fine, let's go kid.

Revy grabs the kids wrist, but the kid started trying to shrug away from Revy...

Revy: Move it little shit! You don't wanna make me pissed off! Come on!

(YN): Heh, have fun Rev.

Revy: Oh shut it you!

And so, Revy takes the kid with her to the cabin and babysits him until they arrive to their she does, Rock then begins to feel worried somehow about the (YN) hands him a cold drink...

(YN): Listen Rock, we're nothing but delivery boys, all we do is take shipments to their designs destinations. That's where our responsibilities end, understand?

Rock: I got it, you don't have to worry about me.

(YN): Good, now drink up, it'll make you feel better.

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