Chp.11 Church Shootout

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We then jump into a couple of days later, Revy, (YN) and the rest have been through a lot lately against unknown enemies, for example....Demon Child's...

Now these two aren't just ordinary orphan child's, no No No, these are legitimately the scariest, demon child's! Al they like for fun is kill and nothing the more! They got by Hansel and Gretel, and yet they have been getting into trouble and gett...

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Now these two aren't just ordinary orphan child's, no No No, these are legitimately the scariest, demon child's! Al they like for fun is kill and nothing the more! They got by Hansel and Gretel, and yet they have been getting into trouble and getting on Balalaikas nerve, but never the less, they were dealt with thanks to Balalaikas men and the Lagoon company as well...even if they had a traumatize and sad backstory, no other choice but to finish them off for good...and they accepted their deaths...
Okay, back to now, we look at the Lagoon's hideout, their hotel rooms, and we take a look at Revy's, who woke up, grunting and annoyed knowing today is really a hot day...

Revy: Ahg, fucking damn it, it's damn hot...fuck me, how much did I even drink last night? Usually I'm cheap bitch when I'm drunk, never waste bullets or buy drinks, but about a shitty day...

Revy gets off her bed and to exit her room, and to walk down the hallway, she then approaches to (YN)'s room and knocks...

Revy: Hey (YN), you up?? If so, please tell me your AC is working...can't sleep with this fucking heat.

Then, the door knob jabs and then (YN) opening his door, and sweating alot, only wearing shorts, and shirtless...

(YN): If I had my AC, working I would been sleeping real good...

Revy: *sighs* Why bother asking...

Then, Revy started to observe his upper body, and starring at it for a while..

(YN): Rev, my eyes are up here sweetie.

Revy: Well sorry, not my fault that you have a ripped body...

She then gets closer to him, and to place both hands to his chest and yet giving him a smirk look...

Revy: Just the way I like it~

(YN): Heh, I say the same thing to you toots, nice underwear by the way~

Revy: Thanks baby~you know, takes me back the old days, remember~

(YN): Definitely, can't remember the times you and I always had a "fun", if you know, you know~

Revy: *chuckles* Oh I definitely always like our "fun"together~

They smirk at each other, and yet seem like they were getting along too well....but afterwards, they both grunted...

Revy: Fucking Damn it, with this heat I'm not even in the mood..

(YN): No fucking kidding, say, you think Eda got her AC working?

Revy; Only way to find out, let's go, probably got some cold drinks as well.

Black Lagoon:Cold Black Hearts(Revy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now