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As we left off, (YN) has finally woken up from his unconsciousness, and yet about to deal with Roberta, the maid terminator herself, as she was holding her two guns, and (YN) slowly moving his fingers and quickly spot the right timing to draw his guns and take down Roberta...

Roberta: Die!

Roberta shoots her gun, as (YN) quickly leaps away from the bullets and quickly draws his guns out and to Started shooting at Roberta, Roberta manage to diet those bullets with luck as her and (YN) began to run through the containers and to hear each other's footsteps, and again, they began to shoot at each other, barely can see each other from the darkness knowing no light is in their sight...soon, both began to hide, (YN) then reloads his guns and then to stop hiding and look for Roberta, he began to walk around the containers as he aims his guns around to make sure he spots Roberta....suddenly, Roberta was on top of the containers, and yet (YN) doesn't realize it, she then leaps and to fall on top of him...

Roberta: Got you.

(YN): Nrgh! I'm not too easy to go down!

(YN) gets up, shoving Roberta away as he began to shoot at her with his guns, as he does, Roberta began to run and avoiding the bullets hitting her, running around (YN) as she then goes and runs straight towards him and leaps up, as she did, (YN) yet was out of ammo again...

(YN): Ah shi-

He then got kicked on his face by Roberta, which he barely was about to go down, but took it and Roberta again was about to land another kick to him, but (YN) grabs her whole leg, and then to swing her and slamming her to the containers, afterwards, Roberta quickly recovers from that slam and to then dash at (YN) and then to strike a knee towards his chin, (YN) then places and holds Roberta's shoulders, and to then give her a brutal headbutt to her face, and then dropping her down, as he does, he then approaches and to carry a barrel, filled with oil, holding it above him and then to toss it at Roberta with full force, Roberta saw it coming to her and quickly dodges away, as she does, Robert pulls out two knives out from her skirt, and tossing them at (YN), (YN) then pulls out his machete, and to slice those knives in half, and pulls out his other one, and to dash towards Roberta, he began swing his machete to her, trying to cut her up, Roberta began to dodge them with ease as she use two of her guns to then block one machete and to hold a grudge on it against (YN)...

(YN) Mind: Fuck! Her strength...just who the fuck is she?!

Roberta: ...

Roberta then pushes (YN) away, and then to swing her gun at him, hitting his side of his face, and yet to bleed his nose out, afterwards, (YN) shrugs that punch off and then land a kick towards Roberta's stomach, pushing her away...and so, Roberta reloads her weapons, (YN) swinging his machetes as the two stare down...and then to rush at each other again...
Back with Dutch and the others, they were in the car, and to see a huge chaos going on behind the consigns between (YN) and Roberta, loud gunshots, loud noises, everything was going crazy...

Benny: So...what's the plan?

Dutch: I suppose we can try get out of this car...but then again, it's impossible to even get out, even not even going near that fight.

Benny: I hear you.

Then, Rock can see Revy look over the chaos...and yet she was giving a worried face...

Rock: okay?

Revy: ...don't worry about me Rock, I'm fine...

Rock: seem kinda-

Revy: I said I'm fine Rock, damn it!!

Rock: Jeez sorry...

Dutch: ...He'll be fine Revy, don't worry.

Revy: Huh?! I'm not worried! Fuck makes you say that?!

Dutch: Your face says it all, can't deny hiding it.

Revy: ...Shut up.

Then, Rock looks at Garcia, who he is also worried for Roberta...suddenly, he then gets out of the car...

Rock: Garcia wait!

Dutch: Kid, what are you going?! Get back in here!

Garci then walks and then to stand still...and then to scream out...

Garcia: Roberta!!! You win!!! Don't you let that man beat you!!!!

Then, the loud crashing noises and gunshots were to be heard closer and closer...and Rock coming to Garcia ...

Garcia: Come on Garcia, the gunfires getting closer!

Then, The others then see (YN) and Roberta both appearing on top of the containers, and contouring their fight, Soon they drop down to the ground and recover, as they got up, (YN) rushes over to Roberta and so as her as well to him as she began to shoot at him, (YN) began to swing his machetes around, ricocheting the bullets away from him, as the got closer, Roberta slides under between (YN)'s legs, and to try shooting him behind, but (YN) quickly turns around and to swing and close her gun in half, (YN) then tried cutting her, but Roberta avoids away from him, and then suddenly, a knife pop out from her bottom shoe, and then to kick and stab the knife to (YN)'s shoulder deep, (YN) scream in pain as he then won't let a stab yo the shoulder affect him, so he drops his machetes, and to grab her foot, and to forcefully pull that knife from her shoe out from his shoulder, and as he does, he flips Roberta Backwards, and then to leap up and to then tackle her down to the ground, afterwards, Roberta punches him straight to his face, backing him away and getting him off her, as she then grabs one of (YN)'s machetes, and so as (YN) grabbing one of his, and then to land each their machete towards their necks, and then to stand their, glaring at each other, panting and bruised up from their fight....

Roberta: This isn't over you know!

(YN): I say the same thing sweet heart, why not we end this little dance for good, bitch!

Roberta:  I'll sent you straight to hell!

And as the two were about to keep on their fighting....

Balalaika: Enough of this!

Balalaika was to be heard, and yet suddenly, a light hits her between, showing her shadow silhouette and bringing a full army of her men with her to stop this for good...

Balalaika: Why don't you call it quits now you two?


Black Lagoon:Cold Black Hearts(Revy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now