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As all hell was going in loose at the dock, meanwhile, Benny and Dutch were making their way to the dock as Benny was taking the wheel and Dutch looking at the dock with some binoculars...

Dutch: Almost at the dock, should see them any minute.....wait, hold on a that....oh give me a fucking break!

Benny(On Radio): What's up Dutch? Did they drop the a-bomb at Roanapur??

Dutch: I wish, that would been a whole lot better than this, look over there! Some god damn idiot started a damn bonfire at my dock! Motherfucker! Benny speed it up!

Benny: On it!

Benny speeds up the boat, and as he does, Dutch then sees the building near the dock collapsing due of the fire...

Dutch: Shit! The dock's breaking up the fire!

Benny: Can you see the Revy and the others?!

Dutch: I can't see much, but once we make our moves, Revy and them will fall right into our sync. No worries, keep it full throttle and pull a 180 at the pier Benny!

Benny: Alright! I'll handle that!

As Benny follows what Dutch says, at the dock, the building collapses to the floor...which surprisingly afterwards, Revy and the others survived building being dropped down, especially Jane....

(YN): Ahh, fucking hell...

Revy: You alright (YN)?!

(YN): Yea I'm fine, Rock?

Rock: I-I'm fine, the girl as well...

Eda: I'm fine too if anyone asks...

Revy then spots the boat coming towards their way...

Revy: Hey the boat!

Eda: About fucking time.

(YN): Let's go to the pier now!

Revy and the others began to run over to the pier and to try land on the boat, but then, Russell and some surviving hunters started chasing after them...

Russell: Don't let them get away!

And so, The boat got near the pier, Rock, Eda and Jane manage to leap on the boat, so as Revy and (YN)...

Revy: Hell yeah!

(YN): Touchdown Dutch!

Dutch: Now Benny!

Benny speeds the boat up to leave the pier...but then, some of the hunters and Russell manage to hop on the boat...

Dutch: Shit! Some of these pricks manage to get on my boat!

(YN): Rock, take the girl with you down with Benny!

Rock: O-Okay!

Rock then leads the girl with him down the hatch with Benny as Eda, Dutch, (YN) and Revy began shooting at the enemies, but can't known one of them, Claude had a flamethrower and started bursting flames out, trying to get one of them...

Dutch: Motherfucker! I'm going back to the controls!

Revy: We're short hand as it is!

Dutch: Heh, don't worry, I'll rise them to the rodeo, even Tuff Hedeman would be scared of his bull.

(YN): Well, sounds like fun to me, it'll be a classic.

Revy: Just let us know when the fun starts. 

Black Lagoon:Cold Black Hearts(Revy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now