Chp.8 The Terminator Maid: Roberta Pt.2

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As we left off, we then get to meet Garcia's servant, his housemaid, Roberta, who we thought she just an ordinary one, but turns out she's a different maid, owning she killed half of the Colombia mafia...and now Revy is holding Garcia hostage for Roberta to stop the havoc...

Roberta: ...I've finished thinking now...una vendicion para los Vivos...

Revy: Hm??

Roberta: Un ramo de Flores para los muertos...

Rock: That's Spanish....

(YN): A blessing for the living, a branch of flowers for the dead...

Roberta: con una espada para la justicia, el castigo de muerte para el villano..

(YN): with the justice of justice, the punishment of death for the villains.

Roberta: I cannot take your request, though I do intend to have young master home in peace. However, in the name of Santa Maria, the hammer of righteousness to all injustice!

She then grabs the briefcase, and yet happens to be a weapon as well (HUH?!) anyways, she does that, and yet she started shooting her briefcase to Revy, as Revy pushes Garcia away and her runnin away while trying to shoot at Roberta and dodging the bullets from her...she rushes over to Bao...until then, Roberta shoots a grenade launcher and goes straight to Revy, but (YN) then rushes to the save and then takes the hit from that bullet, and causing it to self explode with him and sending him flying crashing to the wall...

Revy: NO (YN)!!

Dutch: Machete!

Afterwards, Abrego began to shoot at Roberta...

Abrego: Damn it! Will you just fucking die already?! I know your blood of the Florencia!

Roberta takes cover and started shooting him and half his men...

Dutch: That's one crazy bitch, she made the battle of Khe Sahn turn into a walk to the park. Rock, is (YN) okay?!

Rock: H-He's okay, he's just unconscious!

Revy: Move it!

Revy checks up on him...and yet to seem worried for him...

Revy: (YN)! Hey wake up damn it!

No response...

Revy: Damn it! Wake the fuck up!

Dutch: Calm down Rev! Look what we are going to do now is get the hell out of here and head to the lagoon company! Benny, help me carry (YN)! Rock, Rev, let's go!

Benny and Dutch carry (YN) and leaving the bar, Rock and Revy leaving as well, but suddenly, Rick then got stopped by someone from his wrist, and to see Garcia holding him, and to see him scared, and shedding tears...

Rock: Garcia.

Garcia: Please...take me with you. I can' with this..I don't know...who she is!

And so, after hearing Garcia, Roberta stopped shooting, and to see him being taken by Rock, sad, terrifying of her...which made her feel bad to have him see her like that...

Roberta: Young master...

Then, Abrego and his men started approaching her behind with guns aiming at her...

Abrego: Stay the fuck there, and don't you dare move at all bitch! Now I know're the household of the florencia. That's right, the bloodhound, can't fucking believe you're still alive. Every cartels were looking after you woman, and having a head bounty of yours for $400,000...dead of alive. Heheh...looks like luck is on my side finally.

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