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About a week passed after the events, told in the previous chapter. You were getting better slowly. Levi insisted that you visit their doctor every day and check every little bone in your body. He also insisted that he accompany you but you, to his displeasure, never let him. "I need some privacy, Levi!" — you would say and close the doctor's office's door right in front of the captain's nose. Yeah, after your still inexplicable disappearance he wouldn't leave you for a second.

Now, when some of the squads, including his, were transferred to another district you were to follow them. You were oblivious to where you stayed now. You wouldn't dare to tell Levi that it all felt more and more like prison. After all, you did flee.

That afternoon, you two were sitting on the ground (well, on a blanket that Levi providently ordered a young girl to bring and spread out on grass so that you wouldn't have to sit on cold dirt) in front of a vast lawn. Levi was watching new recruits train and shouting commands from time to time. You just returned from another doctor's appointment. You were lazily running your eyes over the lines of "Decameron", dreaming of visiting Florence again (if you're lucky enough, then with Levi by your side), sipping tea and not paying any attention to the distant shrieks and moans.

— So, shortly, what did the doctor say? — Levi repeated his question since you got lost in your dreams and completely forgot he was there.

— That I'm fine. He scheduled our next appointment in a week from now. To check the progress of healing. Heads or tails?

— Good. Tails, — Levi nodded and then yelled, — You, idiot, use your free arm, don't let her kill you, dumbass!

You yawned, turned over another page and fixed your straw hat you wore to protect your skin from the naughty sun. Levi found that you looked so lovely in that hat, he wouldn't mind dying for it. He, of course, didn't say anything to you, he only thought it to himself every time you raised your arm to prevent the hat from falling.

You threw a coin in the air and caught it to turn it over and place on the blanket. When you two started going out you couldn't stop fighting over simple issues. Of course, you weren't hating each other, yelling and breaking dishes but with time it became really tiring. So, you came up with a brilliant idea to flip a coin every time you couldn't agree on something. This way, you would have to agree with the destiny and give up pointless arguments. Also it saved a hell lot of time to... argue about other more important things. "Fighting is so underrated by many couples", — you thought each time you won over Levi.

Today, you couldn't decide on what to do the upcoming weekend. You wanted to go to the seashore with a bunch of Levi's new soldiers, Armin and Hanji. And Levi hated the sea, salt, sand, sun, squids and everything that starts with an "S", apparently (Levi didn't find that joke amusing at all). He thought going to the sea "to look for some trash, stinky stones and disgusting clams" was a useless activity that would most definitely endanger your life. Instead he suggested that he teach you to stab someone with a knife. "A useful skill of self defence you're so reluctant to learn because you're naturally stupid", — were Levi's exact words.

— Heads! I won. Again! — you smiled eagerly. — It means we are going to the sea! Oh, just don't get too upset about it, Levi. You can teach me how to stab water or innocent fish. Knives are allowed on that little trip to the sea, you know?

Levi quickly glanced at the coin to ensure you weren't lying and groaned:

— I'm convinced you're cheating. I can't be losing all the time for a whole month.

— Well, — you said musingly, fiddling the coin between the phalanges of your left wrist, — you won one not long ago... Before my, ahem, disappearance.

Tsk. So toxic (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now