Zola's algorithm

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Steve pushed the guy on to the roof

Steve-"tell me ablut Zolas algorithm?"
Sitwell-"never heard of it?"
Steve-"what we're you doing on the lemurian star?"
Sitwell-"I was throwing up I get seasick."

Steve was hanging Sitwell over the edge of the roof.

Sitwell-"is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Cause it's really not your style, rogers."
Steve-''you're right it's not...its theirs"

Nat and Natalie kick Sitwell of the roof

Nat-"oh, wait. What about that girl from accounting, laura---"
Steve-"Lillian lip piercing right?"
Nat-"yeah she's cute"
Steve-"yeah. I'm not ready for that."

Sam flew in the sky with Sitwell and then drops him back on the roof.

Sitwell-"Zolas algorithm is a program for choosing insights targets"
Steve-"what targets?"
Sitwell-"you! A TV anchor in Cairo, the undersecretary of defence a high school  valedictorian in lowa City, Bruse Banner, Stephen strange anyone who's who's treat. Including her"

Sitwell points at Natalie

Sitwell-"a threat to HYDRA. Now or in the future."
Steve-"in the future how could it know?"
Sitwell-"how could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it. Your book records, medical historians, voting patterns, emails, phone calls, your dam SAT scores! Zolas algorithm evaluates peoples past. To predict their future."
Steve-"what then...?"
Sitwell-"oh, my god. Pierce is gonna kill me"
Steve-"What then!?"
Sitwell-"then the insights helicarries scratch people off the list. A few million at a time"
Natalie-"well,no one knows my last not a single person no one knows me so how do they know if I'm a threat or not?"
Sitwell-"really not one knows! The Red room?, school bully?, fights in school?, Dreykov?, killing a lot of people. They know everything even pierce that's he's been hurting you"

Natalie breaths shakily Nat looks at Natalie. They all went in a car and drove.

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