Chapter 19: Rescue Plan

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Hondo's house, Friday, 5:15 am

Dang, girl look so peaceful. I can't catch any damn zzz's.  Hondo thought as he sat at the edge of the bed, watching Nichelle sleep. She was a true angel. Truth is he hadn't been able to sleep much, worrying too much about his team. After the disaster in the hospital, he blamed himself. Why did he have to butt in to their business? Chris had every right to be mad at him, of course, but did she have to be like that, straight up? He already let the team down once, almost causing 20 Squad to dismantle, he couldn't bare to see it happening again.

Chris' outburst yesterday caught him off guard, and sent him on a rampage to look for Street. He tried everywhere, nothing. He called everyone he could think of, but no one heard of him. He swung by his and Luca's house, nothing. It was as if he had disappeared from the phase of the Earth. He called Alex Sanchez, but he told Hondo he couldn't reach him either. He then contacted Wit, that friend of his that did undercover in the Ritcher case, but it was another dead end. He called Luca but he had no answer either. It's as if the kid just up and vanished somehow. He had to insist because he truly needed to know what Street told Chris!

He got up from bed and went straight to the kitchen to start up on coffee. He placed his cellphone on the counter and grabbed the pot. He was going to need a big mug because something told him this particular Friday was going to be rough. As he got the machine started, he heard the vibration sound of his phone. He turned to the counter and clicked.

Hey Hondo. Hit me up when you get this, asap.

For Luca to be texting this early in the morning, it meant trouble. Oh no! This ain't gonna be good. Hondo took a deep breath and wrote back: I'm up. What's up?

Can you open the door?

Hondo raised his eye brows, then turn around to face the front window of his house. Through the blinds he could see Luca was waving at him, and another figure standing to his side. Hondo went straight to the door, and upon opening it met Deacon and Luca.

"Morning, boss! We gotta talk." Luca said

Deacon turned to him, with a frown and a grin. He asked, "Wait! Luca, aren't you the boss?"

"Oh" Luca stopped for a minute to think, then smiled, "Man, it's a habit!" His smile quickly faded, "I'm worried about 20 Squad!"

"So am I. Y'all come on in. Let's talk things out" Hondo said as he gestured for them to join him

He took a step back and both officers made it to the living room. All three were so nervous none even made an attempt to sit down.  They just gathered in a circle right in the middle of the living room.

"Y'all want some coffee?" Hondo offered

Both visitors politely refused, as they were eager to get talking.

"Hondo, man. I'm worried about Street. Yesterday he looked destroyed, and Luca here tells me that he hasn't heard anything from him." Deacon began without losing any time

"Yeah, he didn't even come home." Luca paused and placed his hands inside his jeans pockets, "I left HQ really late coz of all the paperwork, and waited to talk to him but he never showed. I hardly had any sleep. I'm afraid he'll do something stupid."

"I hear you. I tried calling him but goes straight to mail, must've turned it off. Tried contacting everyone I know, but got no return. He hasn't even reached his lawyer!" Hondo reported

"Actually, a buddy of mine works as a paralegal for one of the DAs (District Attorneys) and he told me that Sanchez was all day in court yesterday." Luca said

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