Chapter 21: Motherly guidance

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St. Agustin Memorial Hospital, 7:00 am

Breakfast was bland and cold, but Chris was so hungry she didn't care. She literally dumped the whole bag of salt and pepper and went after it. After five days of hospital food, one gets used to this anyway. I'm starving! 

She forgot about the ordeal with breakfast as she turned on the TV to a Saved By the Bell marathon. Her stomach was finally full, so it was time for her morning coffee.  She suddenly heard her cellphone vibrate in the small side table.

"Jim, I swear to God!" she said out loud, extremely annoyed, as she prepared for war...but, to her surprise, it wasn't him. Marta, one of the girls from the safe house, was video calling her.

Oh my God! Chris was sooooo excited! She almost jumped out of the bed. She clicked to accept the call.

"Marta? Hola! Hola! ¿Cómo estas, chiquita?" (Marta? How are you,girl?) she greeted excitedly

"Hola, Chris! Ahorita nos enteramos que estás en el hospital. ¿Qué te pasó? Estás bien?" (Hey, Chris! We just found out you're in the hospital. What happened? Are you okay?) she asked quickly. As she spoke, it looked like she was moving, because the camera didn't keep still. She then settled down, and placed the mobile a foot in front of her. This widen the range of the picture, as Jullie and other two girls, plus Mama Pina, squeezed in.

"Mama Pina, muchas bendiciones!" (Mama PIna, many blessings to you!) Chris greeted excitingly, "Hola chicas! ¡Que emoción! No sabén cuánto me alegra verlas y escucharlas!" (Hey girls! I'm so excited! You have no idea how happy I am to see you and hear you!)

"Hola Chris!" "Te ves de la chingada!" "Híjole, te ves super!" (Hey Chris! You look good! You look super good!) said all the recipients at the same time. Chris was only able to get three expressions because the others were pretty incomprehensible...but she didn't care! She was ecstatic!

 Even the old lady greeted happily, alongside the girls.

"Ya estoy mucho mejor. Ahorita la doctora me dijo que si salgo bien esta mañana me podrían dejar ir hoy mismo. Pasé por algo horrible. ¡Estuvo de la chingada, morras!" (I am much better now. The doctor just told me that if my tests come back ok, this morning they could let me go today. I went through something horrible. It really sucked!)

"A ver, mi cielo, ¿qué sucedió? ¿Dónde estaba tu equipo, mijita?" (Well now honey, what happened? Where was your team sweetie?) asked Mama Pina over the other's noises

And on and on they went. Chris told them about her ordeal with the men who took her, who poisoned her blood to knocked her out unconscious, the horrible beating she took from four men just before strapping her to the chair, and then the thought of dying inside that chamber with toxic waters. The audience was captivated, neither the girls nor Mama Pina could believe such horror story.

Twenty minutes went by so fast that Chris didn't even noticed. She was so glad and happy to hear from Mama Pina and the girls. It was truly the brightest spot in the whole gloomy week. It sure kept her mind busy with happiness, and blocked all the stuff that was going on with her life.

"Chicas, vayan a prepararse. Se les va hacer tarde." (Girls, go ahead and get ready. You're going to be late.) instructed Mama Pina

The other girls didnt complain, but they happily said their farewells to Chris. "Ay Mama Pina, no sabe cuán feliz me hace escucharle a usted y a mis niñas." (Oh, Mama Pina, you don't know how happy I am to hear you and the girls)

"Ellas estaban muy asustadas por ti, chiquita. Marta y Jenni me traían loca con que querían verte... por esta cosa!" (They were so worried about you, sweetie. Marta and Jenni were driving me crazy to get on this thing to see you.)  the old lady said as they both giggled. She definitely wasn't found of new technology at all, Chris knew that for a fact!

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