Too much thought into a stupid curse

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I groaned, slowly opening my heavy eyelids.
I was on a bed.
How did I get here? What time is it? What even happened . . . ?
I suddenly recalled tatted arms. Pink hair. Terrifying strength and--
I gasped, covering my face with my palm. I felt myself get flustered, remembering his touch.
Stupid. No, it's stupid. I frankly could have done better to defend myself.
I couldn't remember much of what even happened, but the situation I was in was embarrassingly clear.
My arm still hurt from when Sukuna had bit down into it on the school rooftop. And below my stomach, all areas ached. I'm not going to be physically functioning efficiently.
Or mentally . . . knowing I have to meet him again. And just overall what we did together with that stupid game he made up. He fucked me dumb.
I should keep my mind off of him, and focus on my surroundings. I pulled myself up, and shifted myself to the edge of the bed.
I should be wearing my school clothes-- knowing I hadn't even changed at all.
But the clothes I'm wearing are comfortable and soft-- like pajamas. They don't feel like my school outfit.
I searched for a nightstand beside me. My fingers hit a solid edge, and a smooth surface just on top of it. I let my hand glide against the area-- before feeling what seemed to be a phone.
I grabbed it and turned it on. I winced at the light.
4:14 AM.
I used the flashlight aspect, and moved it across the room-- my room.
I was in my room. Was he only a dream? That wouldn't explain the pain. I can hardly remember anything. No-- I can't even remember besides his annoying grin.
Did Sukuna put me here? I don't know, but I'm drained. My eyelids were heavy.
The moment I closed my eyes, was the moment I slipped unconscious.


"Y/n, you're spacing out." Nobara waved a hand in front of me. "You good?"
I blinked, feeling reality flood in. That's right, I'm in school.
"Yeah, just thinking about stuff. It's alright."
"Do you mind if I ask?"
"Hmph-- I don't mind, but It's a topic I don't want to discuss," I tittered. Literally.
I flinched when the door slammed open.
"Good morning kiddos! Hahaa," Gojo laughed loudly.
We all stood up, and greeted him with a bow.
He waved his hand and smiled, "alright, sit down." He had this cheeky expression, he did this all the time when we bow. I could tell he took pride in being a teacher. It made me smile.
We were about to sit down, until the door was shoved open once again. Yuji had his hand on its surface, his other hand gripping his backpack strap as he panted.
I flinched-- feeling relieved and . . . more confused. Sukuna didn't kill him. Maybe he really was a dream.
"Hm, you're late," Gojo pointed out with lofty tone. "But it's fine," he grinned.
Yuji sighed, a bead of sweat falling down once cheek.
The sight of Yuji disturbed me. Why does Sukuna look like him?
If he really was a dream, I dreamt of Yuji--
Yuji looked back at me, and I blushed as though he heard my train of thought.
I looked down into my notebook, pretending to be occupied.
It's nothing-- I shouldn't think too much of it.


I inhaled the cold air, and exhaled through my lips.
I would like to sleep here. Beneath this tree in lovely weather, maybe I can spare a few hours and stay. I'm just usually at home.
I breathed out, a visible cloud forming in front of my eyes.
I decided to spare my free time outside in the park nearby. Maybe I could slee--
What if I dream of Sukuna again? A sudden thought interrupted. Was he even a dream? It's dangerous to assume it was. Should I report it?
I grit my teeth. What if they asked what he did to me? I reported the problem to seek for help, not to lie and make it more complicated.
I bit my lip. "Why is this so hard to figure out!" I resented.
"Is it homework?" Came a voice.
I jumped to my feet and jerked my head towards . . .
"Y-- Yuji?" I stammered.
He grinned. "I thought you would be here!"
How can I look at him without being reminded of Sukuna.
"I-- uh . . ." I murmured. "Why was it so hard to figure out, you mean. I finally finished! And-- with my brain working because of homework, I just now realize staying out here is going to give us a cold-- so let's leave," I tittered.
"Wait! Y/n," Yuji called once I turned away.
I stopped, and glanced at him over my shoulder. "I asked Megumi if you were free today, and he said yes. I'm wondering if you want to hang out at his place?"
. . . Dude . . .

Rose Petals | Sukuna X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now