Chapter 17: Street Party

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A few days after Hank had brutally beaten the Demon child Chara, a portal had opened up near a cliff with two people emerging from it and landing on the floor.

???: Ow! God damn it my wrist!

??? 2: Stop complaining, where are we? Did we make it?

???: I think we did! We put in the right energy coordinates that came from the Improbability device. This must be the location where he is!

??? 2: Well he isn't here so I guess we have to look for him....

???: Yeah...he isn't going to like what we have to say.

??? 2: Let's go find our murderous friend!

[2 days later]

Hank's POV

I was perched on the roof of the kid's house and just relaxed there, I was then called down by the kid so I jumped down and asked what he wanted. Apparently there was a street party hosted by Girlfriend's mother Mommy Mearest....she needs a new name.

Hey readers! Give her a name!

Adam: Stop breaking the fourth wall Hank!

Hank: No!

Adam: I will send you to Jesus!

Hank: I'll send you the shadow realm!

Adam:...Yeah so give her a name. Back to the story!

Ahem...anyways she invited the kid's family and even said that I can come....and the clown. I swear to God there better be something for me to kill! There was many people here including people we had met since me and the clown came here.

Alice: Okay all of you be careful and have fun! Hank and Tricky, don't mess about

Hank: No promises

Khole: I'm surprised that you even decided to come here. I never thought I would see you here

Hank: I was bored and wanted to come and see if there was something for me to kill.

Khole: How would you know there would be something to kill?

Hank: Call it an natural Instinct

Kaity: Hey Hank let me show you around! Please come with me!

Hank: Ummm okay?

Miku: She is too hyper, I better watch over them

Alice: Don't worry too much Miku, besides I'll go with them as well

BF: I'm coming as well!

GF: Me too!

Michael: Tricky has gone to an arcade so I'll go with him. What about you Khole?

Khole: I'll just be walking around, you go have your fun

When walking around, I ask Alice, who had Baby Blue in her arms, about her eldest son. She tells me that he is such a rebel and that she hardly ever sees him at all. He is always somewhere that isn't home, we then encounter GF's mother.

MM: Oh Alice it's great to see you!

Alice: You too Mearest!

BF: Ehh? You too became friends?

Alice: We did, we relate with each other like having no different ways

MM: It's great to see you all, especially you Hank~

GF: E-Eh?! Mother?!

Hank: [Frowns] No I won't show you my face

MM: Damn!

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