Chapter 26: Ready for War

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Hank: What?! Is this true?

Sanford: Unfortunately it is, even Blair got corrupted

Hank:....Do we even care about that?

Deimos: See I told you he would agree!

Hank: But that can't be possible

Christoff: You're right, we had just seen the boy so how did his family get corrupted?

Hank: The only ones who can do it are him and the Lemo-.......


Deimos:.....A-Anyways we checked on our corruption radar and now...98% of the world's people are corrupted

Christoff: That is really bad, Hank you know what time it is

Hank: [Closes His Eyes then reopens them] It's time for War

I go inside our base and head to my section to prepare myself in what we are about to face. The corruption is 98% complete which was an immense increase. All that is left is me, Sanford, Deimos, Girlfriend, Christoff, the Clown and the Auditor.

In other words, Girlfriend is the only one from this world that hasn't been corrupted yet. We will be fighting a whole army consisting of people we know and random people from this world.

Our main enemies will be the lemon bastard and the kid, we have to end him and make sure the kid isn't harmed. Sanford and Deimos had their guns ready while Christoff prepares his Binary sword and revolver.

Hank: I'm just going to pay Girlfriend a visit quickly, that okay?

Sanford: Of course Hank

Deimos: Take your time!

I leave the two and head for the hospital, during my walk there I noticed that it was really quiet. The corruption has to be

I enter the hospital and find Girlfriend's room, I open the door and was surprised to see that she was awake.

GF: Hank?

Hank: Oh good you're awake

GF: What's happening?

Hank: War

GF: Wait War?!

I explain everything to her which scared her because she now knows what is happening to her world. Then I remembered that she did get stabbed so I go over to her and place my hand where her stomach was. Her whole outfit was one piece of clothing so I just had to touch wher her stomach was.

GF: [Blushes Madly] Hank what are you doing?!

Hank: [Stops] I'm checking to see if you have a scar. Luckily you haven't recieved one

GF: Y-Yes but you can't just do that

Hank: Why? All I'm doing is just looking our for my friend

GF: [Sighs] You're such a dense idiot Hank >_<

Suddenly we heard a crash in the hallway so I left to the room to check, Girlfriend followed me but I quickly move her to the side when something leaped at her. The attacker recovers and looks towards us.

 The attacker recovers and looks towards us

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