Chapter 62: Phobos

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I decided that I needed some time alone, everyone was celebrating something that I found to be useless, and it's giving me a slight headache. But there was something else, so I left the base and climbed on top of the base.

I sat down, but not near the edge, and looked up at the Moon, it was a cold night which was something I liked. Then I heard small footsteps approach me from behind, and turned my head to see Sunky approaching me.

Hank: Ah, it's you little shit, want to chill with me?

Sunky walks over and sits by my side, we just look up at the night sky, and the imposing figure of the Moon.

I wonder if I can kill it? I already merked the Sun.

Hank: You know Sunky, this all feels so wrong to me

Sunky: ???

Hank: I'm....not who I should be. This isn't who I am, I'm an imposter. I'm sure Majin must've told you

Sunky: [Nods Head]

Hank: Then you know that I'm not really Hank. I'm just a wondering soul, that was forced into the body of a homicidal maniac.

R.Hank: The Homicidal Maniac

Hank: Yeah, my bad. But now I'm in this life, of happiness and peace. I have two sides, the Real Hank, and this version that I managed to create, and they're constantly clashing.

Sunky: ???

Hank: Still confused? Alright, I'm....wondering what my real purpose is, yeah I created this Hank, but as I said, I took the Real Hank and molded it into something else.

Sunky: :0

Hank: Good, you understand. I want to know.....what is my purpose in life? As a Soul? To be a damn Skinwalker, because that's what I am. All of this, it's not right, I don't know what is....and I'm not sure how I can go through with all of this

I thought I would after the whole Lemon Demon Ordeal, when I found love in Girlfriend.....

But I was wrong.

3rd POV

A few days pass, and Girlfriend was on a walk with Blair and Ayana. They were talking with each other before going to some shops.

Blair: So Girlfriend, how's the sex with Hank?

Ayana: Blair!

GF: O-Oh umm, well, we only did it one time

Ayana: Wait, only one time? Why?

GF: Well, Hank is really busy, plus he said that he doesn't want to force me to have it frequently

Blair: But you've done it before

GF: I-I know. There's another reason, Hank seems.....lost...I don't know why. It's like he isn't himself.

The three kept on walking and when it was time to go back to their respective homes, Girlfriend suggested a short cut through an alleyway.

Ayana: Uhh, I'm not sure, alleyways are a good place for bad things

GF: Oh come on, it won't be so bad

Blair: Hmm, you know what? We'll be fine, I can fight after all!

The three walk down an alley, but Ayana was still sceptical, and for good reason too, because out of the shadows, was a yellow creature with a long noise, and a ring attached to a string.

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